Photos taken today, Friday (Nov. 24). Since I posted last Friday, the skin is now complete on the 11th floor, the 12th floor skin being installed under the north Rail Climbing System (RCS) and west RCS. The east RCS is up one level to floor 13, with the west RCS now up to 12. Glass has been placed on the 14th floor, south side, around the mounts for the lowest crane brace. I talked to one of the workers there a while ago and he said once the RCSs reach level 16, the level under the first mechanical levels, there will be a pause. Up on top, the blue forms have all moved up one (save for the corner forms), pouring 45 now? Halfway there, nearly?

Shot after 4 pm, so the light wasn't good, sun was setting. After the usual "time-lapse" Flickr album update photo, views of the south side with glass now in up to the 14th floor. Then a view of the SW corner, with the west RCS up to floor 12. A view from Bloor by Holt Renfrew, several shots from Cumberland east of Bay, a tight shot under the east and north RCS, and the view from the west at Bloor and Bedford.

UTIMG_4445 copy.jpg
Up on top, the blue forms have all moved up one (save for the corner forms), pouring 45 now? Halfway there, nearly?
...interesting point though, as the building will be about double that height when completed. As this starts to give the idea how tall this thing is going to eventually be.
...interesting point though, as the building will be about double that height when completed. As this starts to give the idea how tall this thing is going to eventually be.

I tried to do a floor count based off Contra's last diagram. His last update was Sept 25, and it looked to be around the 34 or 35 floor, so I added about 10 floor to that. Based on where the top of his diagram ends, it didn't look close to be halfway but I could be way off.
I tried to do a floor count based off Contra's last diagram. His last update was Sept 25, and it looked to be around the 34 or 35 floor, so I added about 10 floor to that. Based on where the top of his diagram ends, it didn't look close to be halfway but I could be way off.
They are preparing floor 46 which is at height of 160.775m. Considering the final approved height is 328.4m, that makes it at 48.96%.
Holey crap are these pics clear and sharp. I can totally tell a difference between these and your old phone.
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You're making me wish I was getting a new phone! Mine is nearing 4, but holding up fine all things considering.
In some ways it's hard to believe this is nearly halfway up, I remember the many months this was just setting up its first mega columns into place.
It looks like we're at the half way point in hieght for this tower! By looking at the photos.of the tower from the previous page.
