
...that's just under 4 years. So noodling around in a bottom of a large empty pit? ...that's pretty much what they're doing now.
The noodling around in the bottom of a large empty pit has happened before -saw it when a couple of the early Citiplace buildings on Spadina were being built. The shoring and excavation contracts had been let separately from the actual construction contracts, and the pits had been dug out. When following up with Concord Adex as to why the delay, was told that they were in the process of finalizing the design and negotiating costs with the general contractor for the buildings. In other words - the cheapening process and the business of putting screws to the GC.

Suspect this may be the same case with Pemberton now - 'refining the design' to reduce costs as much as possible, before locking in prices with their contractors.
The noodling around in the bottom of a large empty pit has happened before -saw it when a couple of the early Citiplace buildings on Spadina were being built. The shoring and excavation contracts had been let separately from the actual construction contracts, and the pits had been dug out. When following up with Concord Adex as to why the delay, was told that they were in the process of finalizing the design and negotiating costs with the general contractor for the buildings. In other words - the cheapening process and the business of putting screws to the GC.

Suspect this may be the same case with Pemberton now - 'refining the design' to reduce costs as much as possible, before locking in prices with their contractors.
...so if I am reading this right, it's not that they're running out of money like the previous developer did here. Rather they have the money to build 68 story Taj Mahal tomorrow if they wanted to...but they don't. Rather they want to spend the time looking for ways to maximize profits at the expense of everything else. I mean makes sense why they would spend all this time to make a bargain basement glass spandrel boxes to which any contractor could do in their sleep....

...however, I really do hope we're proven wrong on this. /sigh
So I was by here yesterday, April 10th, 2023:

The first shot doesn't quite give you the feel of the difference, though it can be seen........


The second shot......

So seeing this...........I had a sneaking suspicion there might be more news afoot here:

And indeed there is:



*not visible in the above pics, but the shift for the day had just wound down and workers were in the process of leaving the site for the day.
