
Beyond the small efforts that were put into the podium, did the architects of this building put any thought or effort above the podium at all? its definitely the most boring building in the city. It does not belong in Yorkville, or any Toronto suburb for that matter. It looks unimaginative, uninspired and very cheap and just a space filling structure. These developers are Mafias who are getting the OKs to build such atrocities in this city, The board in Toronto that approved such eye sore should be ashamed as well
Beyond the small efforts that were put into the podium, did the architects of this building put any thought or effort above the podium at all? its definitely the most boring building in the city. It does not belong in Yorkville, or any Toronto suburb for that matter. It looks unimaginative, uninspired and very cheap and just a space filling structure. These developers are Mafias who are getting the OKs to build such atrocities in this city, The board in Toronto that approved such eye sore should be ashamed as well
I'm more sad about losing our heritage hole 😔😅
