Developer: Pemberton Group
Address: 27-37 Yorkville Ave, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 2
Height: 708 ft / 215.79 mStoreys: 68 storeys
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Yorkville chaos - even partial view obstruction of the Four Seasons from the south will be sad. Everyone hates boxes but the 4 Seasons is pretty much as good as it gets in today's box market. Hope this project (a step or so east) won't do that. Bye bye lovely firehouse... least you can annoy them with sirens.

The new projects on the south side of this stretch of Yorkville have been designed specifically to preserve -- and, in fact, enhance -- the views of the fire house.
Well - 6 and a quarter. All spaces are commercial parking as well. The residential parking is in the podium
