What's the point of that pond? I've never understood it.

From my understanding it was one long slip - QQW use to go around it. I believe you can see still see some badly faded road lines in the parking lot behind the building.
They are back painting the eastern face of the 'west?' building this morning at a comparatively blazing speed. Perhaps they will have both buildings painted by the Pan Am games? Either way, its a vast improvement. Hopefully now with the completion of QQ the retail portion of this building will fill with good tenants.
Huge improvement over what was originally there. Have they anything to the sad interiors?
Yes - they are gutting the interior of units when someone moves out. Layout is laregly the same but now looks like Vancouver Modern. The units are renting at a 25% premium over the current units. They are also gutting the interior's of the ground floor. 350 is first - and nothing is left of the original, they are bringing it right down to the supports. Residents are being forced to exit via the second floor till the end of July. The completion of the exterior of MLQ is not scheduled to be done until October.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it's on Queens Quay. Looks like there's some re-cladding work going on.

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There are plans to improve the retail facades and the canal:

From what I hear, they need to do far more than improve the facades. I know someone who worked in one of the office spaces there for a couple of years and despite the really low rent, the company finally moved because of overall conditions and building management.
Check out how Maple Leaf Quay kept their quay all summer, last year. It's pretty disgusting. I hope now that they have cleaned up their buildings, that they spend just a bit of time keeping their quay clean.

