Not sure about that. I'd say that holds true for bad custom design elements like the "trees". Some criss-crossed concrete braces look good, but done differently than what was proposed here originally.
The original proposal was dull above the waist, but this sterile grey-fest is pure monotony. I actually wish they just leave the existing Yamasaki-esque office tower as it is, and fix it up.
I have to agree, this new redesign is rather dull and grey. At least the original design had a bit of flair.
I don't see the fuss, this proposal was a snore from the start. But it's quite clear Amexon wants a Uni Ave conforming, institutional/conservative-style building. Also agree with Alvin regarding the former base, showing irrelevant "flash" that lacked connection and transition towards the tower.
The original proposal was dull above the waist, but this sterile grey-fest is pure monotony. I actually wish they just leave the existing Yamasaki-esque office tower as it is, and fix it up.

The concrete/stone around the windows is degrading rapidly. Like really really rapidly. You can see where there are bolts holding parts together. CP Pension used to own this building and sold it for very little due to not wanting to redo the exterior and not wanting the liability of pieces falling and killing someone (pension funds hate big liabilities due to their deep pockets)

It would take a huge amount more to redo/replace the exterior than it would to do a new curtain wall. That is the main reason this whole thing is taking place. If you have to kick everyone out anyway and spend all kinds of money then you may as well do something big and have the condos pay for it all...
It's unfortunate - though I don't see why they couldn't have replaced the concrete screen with a similar system using I don't know, aluminium/terracotta fins?

What I don't get is the cosmetic extension of the second and third floors that appears to not evenextend those floors towards University Avenue.

480 is mostly occupied. Would tenants be kicked out as the building is reclad? (Obviously the upper floors can at least theoretically be built while the building is occupied, as St. Michael's and Mount Sinai Hospitals are examples of such.)
So is the final height for this one 196m? Or is it higher? It's SO close to 200m. Sorry to bump the thread but someone mentioned on another forum that this was a 200m building yet the database says it's only 196m. Maybe I am mistaken.
Confirmed. Thanks for catching that. The dataBase file has been corrected!

Why do these thing always go through a now standard revision process, striping the design of any identity or interesting features, and watering the form down to a simple, boring box?
Why do these thing always go through a now standard revision process, striping the design of any identity or interesting features, and watering the form down to a simple, boring box?

sorta like the automotive industry. The show car always looks so great...then when it hits showrooms it looks much different.
