Taken about an hour ago

Man on balcony will get over it. Seriously though, I am really looking forward to watching this one rise from my rooftop near the Allen Eglinton Area. Mostly because it is red and will stand out a bit. I think this one will be especially nice to look at. Glad to see Toronto is adding some colour in areas outside the CBD.
I'm so excited to see this rise as well.

Some much needed colour and red brick! I wish bkl would get more work in Toronto.

Will they be relocating the heritage building?

Yes, it will be moved towards Sherbourne, and the condo will be built behind it. Same setup as James Cooper Mansion.
Man on balcony will get over it. Seriously though, I am really looking forward to watching this one rise from my rooftop near the Allen Eglinton Area. Mostly because it is red and will stand out a bit. I think this one will be especially nice to look at. Glad to see Toronto is adding some colour in areas outside the CBD.

Photography is a hobby of mine. On a couple of occasions, I've found a person giving a ruder gesture in the background of a photo taken on the street--not even someone on a balcony but someone on the street. To that person I say that in the photo, you're just a random stranger who's barely visible. There is no privacy when you're out in public or in a private space open to a public area. I'm not out to make you look bad. Get over yourself.
The man on balcony comment was just light-hearted. (I don't think his expression has anything to do with the photo being taken anyway.) Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.
I'm really curious as to how red it will end up being. Brick samples were not as red as the renders suggest. Personally I'd rather see RED spandrel than reddish brown brick.
UT story coming soon on this project?

Pretty sure I saw a bunch of guys in suits being interviewed by Craig around 5 today as I drove by the site! Hope to hear whether the samples seen on site are the final cladding choice or if they plan on going with something more red.
