I hate everything Plazacorp builds.
LOL. The Tower. The Tower? I guess they've exhausted all other names.
What purpose do those large concrete beams on the 3rd floor serve other than to make the building ever more hideous?

What......:confused: The Regency on Yorkville, West Harbour City, King West (if it gets built) and now The Tower. They are way ahead of some of the other developers designing and building the same boring glass boxes.

Another squat, fat, uninspiring tower for Liberty Village...yahoo.

Hey now, stop being so generous. It's like University Plaza sitting on top of an above ground parking garage, coincidentally (or not) also built by Plazacorp.
I can see the glossy marketing literature now: "Coming soon to Liberty Village, a tower so underwhelming we could only call it one thing: The Tower."
What......:confused: The Regency on Yorkville, West Harbour City, King West (if it gets built) and now The Tower. They are way ahead of some of the other developers designing and building the same boring glass boxes.


I don't agree sorry. The Regency is a jumbled mess of materials. West Harbour City? I can't over the fact that they terraced the building facing NORTH instead of SOUTH where people could have enjoyed endless views of the lake and plenty of sunshine on the patio. Now they overlook the Gardiner. King West? LOL. Not even going there.

So yeah, Plazacorp is bottle of barren for me.
West Harbour City? I can't over the fact that they terraced the building facing NORTH instead of SOUTH where people could have enjoyed endless views of the lake and plenty of sunshine on the patio. Now they overlook the Gardiner.

that's intentional bc S view units will always sell better than N views, so they had to put a premium feature for the N units.
Well I don't know about the Regency or West Harbour City, but this new building "the Tower" is a well designed building interior and exterior with good layouts and an excellent location, proof of that, they have sold 15% of the units in one week and the building has not even released to the public
Tower Info from PlazaCorp

Here is some fresh info for the forum members.

Disclaimer: if you have anything negative or think this is a pitch just skip this message... I wish to share my insider knowledge with those who want to know more.

Spoke with PlazaCorp today and discovered some interesting facts:

1. The reason the building can be sold at a moderate cost is b/c the efficiency of the building is 87%, means, no wasted spaces. That goes back to the purchasers.

2. Amenities will be located on a high floor

3. First and Second floor will have few 2-story residences (most space is taken by lobby and facility rooms)

4. Interior designs are done in conjunction with PlazaCorp, designer and architects. I personally think they make sense for first-time young buyer and investors who are buying to lease.

5. Plaza is not planning on releasing the building for retail sales soon, they will keep using few select people to represent the project.

6. Over 100 units sold so far. These are pre-pre-vip sales. No sales centre no marketing are available at the moment.

7. All units comer with locker, parking is included for larger units (believe from 721 sq ft but no confirmed).

There's more but my time is short today.

Cheers everyone.

If I as a non real estate agent/vip wanted to see more information to consider buying a unit....how would that be possible?
^You could sleep with a real estate agent, or become friends with Plazacorp insiders. Just hang out in Forest Hill area.:)

None of those seem that attractive to me.....I have visited 3 sales centres in the past week looking at various condos......it seems bizarre that I cannot add this project to my decision matrix...there must be a logic behind it....just beats me what it is.
^I'd say real estate insiders know a good thing--this will be a future rental tower in reality. Insiders will make $100SF on it perhaps in the next 5 years, individual buyers beware imho. But it will sell out--it's cheap. But won't these cheap prices cheapen the area condos as well?
^I'd say real estate insiders know a good thing--this will be a future rental tower in reality. Insiders will make $100SF on it perhaps in the next 5 years, individual buyers beware imho. But it will sell out--it's cheap. But won't these cheap prices cheapen the area condos as well?

no b/c the entire market pulls buildings like tower up... who was your economics prof?
^I'd say real estate insiders know a good thing--this will be a future rental tower in reality. Insiders will make $100SF on it perhaps in the next 5 years, individual buyers beware imho. But it will sell out--it's cheap. But won't these cheap prices cheapen the area condos as well?

This whole "insider" thing is what has kept me from buying a condo for, about 5 years. I am a debt free suburbanite who is tired of his commute and has been thinking of buying a 2 bedroom Pied-à-Terre for about that length of time. With a child unit looking seriously at the UofT as a school it is starting to make even more sense....but every time I look at a building I get irrationally peeved that someone (possbly the RE agent that is selling me a unit) is making that "$100 a foot" because they are an insider! I really hoped that the current slow down would make me (a wee little individual buyer) seem more attractive to developers/builders but so far the sales offices I have visited all seem to care very little about whether I buy or not....guess I should just work on gaining "insider status"....it all feels like one of those night clubs where most people are stuck in line and some guy pulls up in his car and strolls right in....I don't frequent those places either!
