working on the entrance...


I have to say that this is one of the most uninspired, depressing entranceways in the city. The windows are so unbelivably small, and the black cladding doesn't add any interest in this context. No effort seems to have been made to bring this project to the street in an interesting manner. (Don't get me started on the tower itself. I now try to avoid looking south when I'm on Bloor Street...instead I try to keep my eyes trained north on Clewes' latest handiwork at the 4$.)
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I like the granite podium, I think it'll look good when it's complete and cleaned up.
I like the granite podium, I think it'll look good when it's complete and cleaned up.

Especially if there's a singing frog stuck in there somewhere....
This building is really getting the gears from most people.
I think it's infill building with a bit of a the Lincoln Building in New's no Chrysler Building but it's worth a glance on the way by.
Agree. Still don't get the extent of the Hate-On for this project. Yes, it didn't live up to its potential, but sheesh! It's not that bad.
I think it's the fact that indeed there was so much potential. It could have been so much better. It's hard not be disappointed, even if, in the greater context, I'd take this building over the green-glass monstrosities of Shittyplace any day.
I'm starting to get the impression that comments in this thread are stuck in a perpetual loop...

Some like. Some Hate. Some think it's okay but missed potential. Repeat.
well, the building is topped out... there's not much room left for speculating, all we can do now is review the result. Personally I give it a 5/10 for being a cheap cardboard cut out version of the deco its inspired by. Moving forward I'm curious about the intention for the sidealks on that side of Balmuto. Is the plan to have some trees planted along the east side? I think that would go a long way towards making this area more inviting. I say widen the sidewalks and narrow the street too...
The Uptown/CrystalBlu pairing - compared to, say, Casa, Maple Leaf Square or the Hudson - makes me think of Artificial Intelligence compared to the thought processes of genuine earthlings. Superficially, Uptown and CrystalBlu are plausible enough to pass, yet there's an unavoidable sense that there's something missing ( heart? soul? ) about them.
looks lke the small jib crane at the top of Uptown has been removed as of today.....
The problem with this tower is that the designers were only provided basic Lego blocks to build the scale model. Thus the squaredness, texture and monotony.
I have to say that this is one of the most uninspired, depressing entranceways in the city. The windows are so unbelivably small, and the black cladding doesn't add any interest in this context. No effort seems to have been made to bring this project to the street in an interesting manner. (Don't get me started on the tower itself. I now try to avoid looking south when I'm on Bloor Street...instead I try to keep my eyes trained north on Clewes' latest handiwork at the 4$.)

Like i said awhile back.... The original design had no granite. Limestone was proposed. And lots of details went missing.....
