so you are saying as long as Uptown chose a less densely constructed location, you will consider it as the best?

No, I'm saying it's a banal design, AND, I'm saying that in a few years it will be completely surrounded by towers of similar height.
Compared to whats been built in this city recently, I think we could badly use more towers like this.

Stick this tower in the middle of cityplace and tell me if you still think it's cheap garbage.
May 1

Looking south at the Uptown/Crystal Blu site.

Looking southwest.

Looking north.

Looking down into the pit with a ladder in the bottom right hand corner for scale.
Wow, that's quite the pit. I wouldn't want to be one of the unlucky ones who has to navigate 6 levels below ground to get to his $50,000 parking spot.

Thanks for the update!
Looks like the pit's bottomed out over half the surface area now. The backhoe they use on the surface to reach down into the pit has a crazy long arm on it. It's quite fascinating to watch it in action.
Can someone please tell me how they get the 'diggers' out of the pit when they are finished? Or do they all end up like 'Mike Mulligan and MaryAnne?"
They are simply hauled up and out. One of the other threads has (quite impressive) images of the equipment being lifted out by crane.
The bad far outweigh the good but I am hopeful that Uptown and Pulse will turn out fine. If I saw the name Pemberton Group on a community report I'd be scared until I saw a render. This is an Edmonton based company that delivers cookie cutter suburban style condos.

Are you serious? Pemberton is as Toronto-based as you can get. This company is an offshoot of one of the biggest family developers in the area; one which owes the GTA for the opportunity for success, and to which the GTA owes a debt of gratitude for helping to contribute to what it is today.
Are you serious? Pemberton is as Toronto-based as you can get. This company is an offshoot of one of the biggest family developers in the area; one which owes the GTA for the opportunity for success, and to which the GTA owes a debt of gratitude for helping to contribute to what it is today.

If the architecture of Pemberton's projects was of higher quality, there would be more gratitude than is currently expressed. The quality of Uptown's finishes, both inside and out, will show whether the significantly higher prices Pemberton is charging for this building above anything they have charged before are merited. If Uptown is a success Pemberton may finally have a major highrise landmark they can crow about.

