I think your bang on.Scheduled ocupancy is for November 2009 thats 14 months from now West Harbour City Condo which is a similar precast building has risen 24 floors in 6 months from ground level thats roughly 48 floors in a year.that leaves 2 months to get this to ground level and thats not counting the time it takes to get it ready for occupancy after it is topped.

Scheduled occupancy? Why should they make it in time for this building when only 1 or 2 percent of any condo that rises in this city ever gets completed on time?

The dates are mere marketing come-ons, and all purchasers should expect to get notices of delays as are allowed by law here.

I would add at least a 8-10 months to that November 2009 date, especially if you're on the higher floors. You've all seen how slow podiums get built, and we're nowhere near that stage yet.
From today.

This tower has the potential to look like:


...but will probably look more like:


Just going thru some old thread, uptown won't look like ny tower because it's not a glass building! but I do hope it will turn out more art decoish! oh, and i hate the black podium, they should have kept it the same material as the tower. maybe the developer thinks they can make this building more "luxurious" by cladding it with granite, rather than limestone. :-(
Considering that I've lived in several condos without balconies (both in fairly new buildings), I doubt that there is such a bylaw either. Besides, I doubt that every single condo dweller in Toronto even wants a balcony. Pet-owners, for example, might not want to risk having their pets fall from a balcony railing 30 storeys up.

Balconies are a selling feature. I doubted they get used a lot especially our toronto winter won't allow us to use them to their maximum. if you drive by town, you don't see people sitting in their balconies. most of the time, they become people's storage rooms!
Wow, I was just kidding a while back about this possibly surpassing the pace of One Bedford, but it looks like it might actually happen!
Balconies are a selling feature. I doubted they get used a lot especially our toronto winter won't allow us to use them to their maximum. if you drive by town, you don't see people sitting in their balconies. most of the time, they become people's storage rooms!

I'm a balcony guy, but that's just me. In the winter I stick my smoking friends out there to have a puff. It's somewhat friendlier and more convenient than sending them down an elevator to smoke outside on the street.
I'm a balcony guy, but that's just me. In the winter I stick my smoking friends out there to have a puff. It's somewhat friendlier and more convenient than sending them down an elevator to smoke outside on the street.

Hi dt toronto, true. getting your friends to have a friendly smoke is about the other function that a balcony will do! actually are you allowed to smoke inside your apartment unit as per the condo regulation??
Urban Frog, please keep this topic to one thread only. Doubled postings count as spam.

