I knew what your comment was about. I just meant that somewhere between expensive stone and terrible pre-cast could be something.. maybe "less terrible precast"

Yes, and there are examples of this "middle of the road" cladding all over the city but it fell out of favour and is considered unattractive and old-fashioned these days:

Brick veneer facades

Think of all the labour that style of construction of apartment buildings used to employ, with all those bricklayers!
As I walked past Balmuto on Charles St. the other day, I imagined what it would it look like if Uptown was clad in the stone that they used at the base of CrystalBlu. And it would be STUNNING. Like... amazing.

I wish that was possible. But even nicer precast would have been good. Luckily, it will age and get dirtier. And I imagine it will be the same as One St. Thomas, which, when it rains, takes on a darker, more taupe colour.
The base of Uptown is planned to be clad in dark granite, so the streetscape has strong potential in terms of quality materials within the pedestrian realm.
Dec 18 Visit





I noticed that Crystal blu's cladding is somewhat behind Uptowns... funny!

Uptown is catching up very nicely now! I guess we're about half way done now!
The back of that podium is pretty ugly and unfortunately, visible. :(

It's not THAT bad cause it looks nice and clean, etc...

BUT, it's funny how there are no windows on it :eek:.. Isn't it kinda weird for a side of a podium to have no windows?...
It's a parking garage, why would it need windows? And the podium is bound to get hidden eventually anyway, I can't see that little one-storey building staying there forever.
It's a parking garage, why would it need windows? And the podium is bound to get hidden eventually anyway, I can't see that little one-storey building staying there forever.

My thoughts exactly. They probably figure it'll be hidden soon anyway.
It's a parking garage, why would it need windows? And the podium is bound to get hidden eventually anyway, I can't see that little one-storey building staying there forever.

I just figured these days that alot of parking lots above ground level parking have windows... Such as Trump Tower...

I think it's slightly better for windows on parking structures as it allows for some natural lighting... i guess not on Uptown :eek:
It's a parking garage, why would it need windows? And the podium is bound to get hidden eventually anyway, I can't see that little one-storey building staying there forever.

Yeah, you're probably right. If it gets hidden by a taller building along Yonge Street, then it's not so bad.
I'm OK with Uptown so far and I'm looking forward to the east set backs that will be so very visible from the corner of Yonge & Bloor. It's turning out pretty close to what we expected although I'm not crazy about the windows and I agree that the podium seems a little higher than I would have expected. My expectations were never set that high here, so it pretty much delivers as promised so far.
