Uptown slowly rising from Balmuto

I'm beginning a letter-writing campaign to every developer in town to inform them that there is no apostrophe in plurals, as in "from the low 900 000's".
I'm beginning a letter-writing campaign to every developer in town to inform them that there is no apostrophe in plurals, as in "from the low 900 000's".

I'm not sure that it's technically incorrect to use an apostrophe for plural numbers. Anyone know?
It has (unfortunately) become common and accepted to pluralize numbers and abbreviations with an apostrophe s. From reading that I've done, while it's not technically correct, it's one of those things that is becoming "correct" due to widespread practice. It bugs the Hell out of me too, though.
It has (unfortunately) become common and accepted to pluralize numbers and abbreviations with an apostrophe s. From reading that I've done, while it's not technically correct, it's one of those things that is becoming "correct" due to widespread practice. It bugs the Hell out of me too, though.

im pretty sure they use the plurals because it posseses the ownership of the condo. i.e. from the low $900,000's condo.

No, no. That makes even less sense. It's just a common misconception that an apostrophe s is used to pluralize numbers. In fact, I'm increasingly seeing people pluralize regular words with an apostrophe too. Especially in signage and online writing (the Internet is going to destroy the written language).
Lol, that was an awesome series, I never could find the time to buy any of the books after the first one.
I have the feeling interchange is about to step in, but since I started this argument, thought I'd contribute to it: I think developers use it full well knowing that it is wrong, but it looks better. The apostrophe creates separations between the numbers and the "s", making it possibly easier to make out what the dilly is going on. In conclusion: wrong and we hate it, but here to stay.

With regards to Uptown, yes the ground floor is taking a while, but I think it's because of the snow situation. They also took quite a bit of time off during the holidays, which, admittedly, isn't the most encouraging.
