Uptown looks really awesome right now! And i did happen to notice how awesome crystal blu looks without its crane! Just a couple more floors before Uptown surpasses crystal! :D
Windows are not allowed when a building is built to the lot line like Uptown is.

I'm pretty sure there can be windows, albeit useless, but as I understand it the windows have to be fire rated and non-operational.
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Brent Butt was behind mine when I took this photo this afternoon:


I must say, this building is butt-ugly. :p
Once uptown is built, i believe that view will be one of the best to capture uptown in its fullest! Its almost unobstructed and will look supertall! it really looks nice in between those 2 buildings!
Okay I'm going to say it ...

I saw this the first time in person today ... and you know what, it looked pretty darn good. Yes it's simple but the precast colour looks nice - yes, it could have been the current lighting conditions ... but still ...

And the setbacks are amazing, we don't see that in many other buildings and it makes it look even more distinctive.

btw, I didn't see the base I only saw it from Yonge street so my comment isn't referring to that.
I agree, this one is turning out better than expected... and a nice contrast to the glass boxes going up.
Thanks for the latest April pics Hypnotoad.

What is going to happen to the old sales office on Yonge ?

Any photos of the other side where the black granite is being installed ?
walking by the Uptown sales office on Yonge the other day there was a "For Lease" sign up ... so I assume it would continue as a retail space

ps. actually Hypnotoad's 2nd photo above shows this Cushman Wakefield sign ~
Not to sound like a broken record ... but ... this building looks amazing from Yonge street in the sunlight!

For whatever reason, the lack of details work in it's favour, the setbacks are really what sets it apart.
Not to sound like a broken record ... but ... this building looks amazing from Yonge street in the sunlight!

For whatever reason, the lack of details work in it's favour, the setbacks are really what sets it apart.

My only real qualm about this tower (aside from preferring stone over precast) is that the corner balconies seem to detract from its simplicity. As urbandreamer previously pointed out, this tower would look much better without them.
My only real qualm about this tower (aside from preferring stone over precast) is that the corner balconies seem to detract from its simplicity. As urbandreamer previously pointed out, this tower would look much better without them.

Stone? :p

Yep I can see that, not big detractor though, they key will be to see if they carry it up all the way to the top ... also, exactly how the top turns out.
I like how these towers look from the east because they completely dominate all those little shops along Yonge... even their podiums tower over everything! *I see a little bit of Four Seasons in those pics :D
