That big tank must be so tedious to dig. Does anyone know if they will reach other types of rocks along the way or is it largely shale?

Found this tidbit in a Geological Report. Roughly 120m thick in Toronto

Toronto Shall Depth - Source.JPG
Toronto Shall Depth.JPG
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I remember standing on Spadina looking at this excavation back in March. They had just about gotten as deep as they needed to just on the east end of the site. 10 months later and they're still picking at the far west end. Amazing stuff. This excavation is for the books.
Regarding the crane issue today, the neighbourhood tonight was notified that the crane on Building B structurally failed today (noticed it as well when I got home). No one was hurt. It will be taken down starting tomorrow and lasting into late Sunday. It is going to be tricky affair with multiple cranes in action, with even a special crane coming in from Montreal overnight that will need to be loaded into the base of the pit and then re-assembled. The on-site construction manager from Del Terra is a top notch professional, so I am sure safety of the workers will be paramount during the dismantling.
