You r not alone Archii
I've been asked to stop before too. If you're on private property, if the security guard is employed by the owners of that property, then yes, you can be stopped from taking those photos. If you are on public property, then they have no right to ask you not to shoot.

I was once on a downtown Ottawa sidewalk when a security guard cam out of an office tower and shouted at someone else on the sidewalk (I didn't know them) that they couldn't take a photo of the building. I go into a shouting match with him that they were completely within their rights and he went back in the building after a minute or so. I never back down when they are wrong, and I'd encourage others to stick up for themselves if they are sure they are on public property to do the same.

EDIT: I do tell the guard that I know they are only doing what they've been told by their superiors to do, but that does not give it legitimacy. Not their fault.

I saw a neat video from the bottom of the cistern (private page, can't share). Looks like the rebar mat at the bottom is done, and there's a base down there for what I believe is a crane
TBH i like the current condo design better than the previous one.

previous design
I like both residential designs equally. I think it's safe to say we're going to get some nice res towers from aA. They have consistently good towers when they're working with a quality developer and they're the firm that sees it through to the finish.

The massing of the previous residential towers was more intriguing, but they were only massing, no? If I'm right with that assumption, they would've required a lot of fleshing out and probably wouldn't have been too far off from the current version after costs and construction details were worked out.

I do like the curves on the previous version, but I also like the angular lines of the aA towers. There's room for both styles. Perhaps we'll see something like those HPA res towers somewhere else? :)
I like both residential designs equally. I think it's safe to say we're going to get some nice res towers from aA. They have consistently good towers when they're working with a quality developer and they're the firm that sees it through to the finish.

aA +Tridel is hit or miss though.
Yeah, Tridel is hit or miss, and the new renderings just don't fill me with confidence.

The residential towers are the least interesting part of this proposal, regardless of their design. This project is exciting because of the experience at street level (+/- one level), since that's where the public is going to interact with it, and the design for that part of the project will be pretty stunning if it's executed well.
The residential towers are the least interesting part of this proposal, regardless of their design. This project is exciting because of the experience at street level (+/- one level), since that's where the public is going to interact with it, and the design for that part of the project will be pretty stunning if it's executed well.

Also worth noting the potential value of the retail and marketplace. The retail here is around the same size as Dufferin Mall, for reference, and that’s not even including the market space.

The retail experience is going to be fairly unique in Toronto, and the developer has signalled their intent to create a high-end retail and Market Hall experience. Time will tell if they deliver on that commitment, but if they do this development could end up being a extremely valuable public space for the city.
If done well, this has best development of the year written all over it.

But which year?

(A bit of a parody on the old marketing and advertising line: Half of the money we spend on advertising is essential and key to our success. The other half is a complete waste. The only problem is that I do not know which half is which.)

Considering work on the site started two and a half years ago, in February 2017, and the current completion date for the last residential units should be around 2024, maybe even 2025, given the number of delays being experienced in the completion of residential buildings - shortage of trades, in particular for kitchen and bathroom work. So an eight or nine year timeframe to choose from...
Still not convinced the retail will do well here - we'll have to see ! The high end retail would be competing with Yorkville... but it's a lot to fill ! Not-so-high end retail of course competes with the Eaton Center / Queen Street / ...
