Agree with that regarding just being a small sample - it looks a lot like 16 York - which turned out perfectly fine.

I'm not as worried about the main office tower as I am with the podium materiality - which should be top notch (structural curtain wall, terracotta etc.)
I haven’t seen spandrel / shadow boxes that green since the old Pinnacle development near the water or at the Lanterra buildings at Fort York. 16 York uses silver shadow boxes with tinted blue glass as a cover. These are straight green. No complaints as long as there are some other colours to balance it out.
Yeah it really does come down to lighting I think. If you look on the Database the larger render (first one) is definitely a greenish tint. The second photo however is completely grey.

This is pretty small part of the tower, the real potential show stopper will be the tower itself.
I guess it all depends on the lighting because 16 York looked exactly like some of the pictures above.


yeah see I don’t find it looks anything like the cladding at 16 York. The Spandrel is much darker and the vision glass is more clear.
Monday, December 23 - a quiet Christmas Holiday week, and many sites are shut down, some of which may be quiet until after New Year's day. However:
  • four of the eight cranes at The Well are currently working
  • both cranes at CIBC Square are active
  • both cranes at The Waterworks project are working
  • there is a mobile crane working at the north side of the Concord Canada House project
  • the ground sampling drill rig working on behalf of Metrolinx Ontario Line planning at the corner of Wellington and Bathurst is working
On behalf of this update on all these activities - here is a photo of The Well site this morning.

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