Not that this model means anything but its hilarious that the cladding in the model is white and transparent vs. the aqua green cladding IRL

lol ;)


This is Toronto what do you expect. Low standards in all aspects of life here.
Not that this model means anything but its hilarious that the cladding in the model is white and transparent vs. the aqua green cladding IRL

lol ;)


I'm interested to see once the red cladding appears how Christmas-y the green-and-red combo will feel...

On the bright side (and without reading too much into the fidelity of a model), it does look like they're indicating a different curtain wall product after the first two or three tower levels. Inshallah.
I always love seeing these sort of responses, "don't like it? Then move". It just goes to show you the lack of knowledge and experience people have when it comes to the effort & energy required to uproot everything you've built your whole life.

Spoiler alert: it's not as easy as tapping keystrokes on a keyboard from the comfort of your home.

Exaggerate much? If EVERYTHING about living here is so unpleasant, there is always the option of moving.
I always love seeing these sort of responses, "don't like it? Then move". It just goes to show you the lack of knowledge and experience people have when it comes to the effort & energy required to uproot everything you've built your whole life.

Spoiler alert: it's not as easy as tapping keystrokes on a keyboard from the comfort of your home.
This thread is getting almost as weird as The One. Perhaps you’re green with envy of all the fun we are having over in that thread...
I always love seeing these sort of responses, "don't like it? Then move". It just goes to show you the lack of knowledge and experience people have when it comes to the effort & energy required to uproot everything you've built your whole life.

Spoiler alert: it's not as easy as tapping keystrokes on a keyboard from the comfort of your home.
I'm aware. But I've done it before, myself. If a person or place is indeed so unbearable, leave. If not, leave the histrionics for telenovelas!
New cladding a couple of floors up from the last row, now on the west side of the office tower. Looks to be the same shade as the previously installed cladding.
Exaggerate much? If EVERYTHING about living here is so unpleasant, there is always the option of moving.

Exaggerate? Dude do you you live in Toronto? Walk around Toronto and compare to other world cities and come back to me. The same Toronto where they have had ugly concrete barriers in front of Union Station which could be there for the next 10 years without anyone batting an eye

As for moving out, how are people who have been living here all our lives with work, family, and connections to this city supposed to just uproot and leave? It doesn't mean we should bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything is marvellous here.
