I think for a development sandwiched between a very old and historic neighbourhood, and a neighbourhood that didn't exist 20 years ago, they're doing ok. The podium of the office tower is definitely a bit clunky and I would have liked to see the previous versions with the cross bracing or the red fins be implemented but alas, here we are. I definitely think none of the Well buildings themselves will be individual stunners - it's more of a sum of all parts thing. I'm definitely worried about the three aA towers - hopefully they spec curtainwall that is less aquavelva in colour compared to the office tower.

I think (can't say for sure) redroom's complaint lies with the fact that the building doesn't directly reference the red brick warehouses to the north.
The residential buildings (western most 2, south facing) have better reference to brick and terracota and takes the red brick cue from the norther buildings and heritage of the warehouse/entertainment district
Completely agreed the office tower should be red brick or at least red in the cladding as original design
Original design?

Original Design?

Original Design?

You're gonna have to help me out here @karledice...
Anyone know what address the docs are listed under on the development application site? I can't seem to find a reference to it in the thread
July 10th - and the forms for the flooring slab on the west side of the office tower are starting to be moved up for the 23rd floor. A fifteen day cycle since the forms started their move up for the 22nd floor on June 25.
A bit slower than the thirteen day cycle from 21st to 22nd floor - bit overall, it looks like at this point, each floor of the office tower requires two weeks, plus or minus a day or so, for concrete forming.

