Pics taken July 10 and 11, 2017



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ok, here's some new info:

Application: New Building
Status: Not Started
Location: 440 FRONT ST W
Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina
Application#: 17 198524 BLD 00 NB
Accepted Date: Jul 17, 2017
Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential
Work: New Building
Description: Proposal to construct a 38 storey mixed use building (mechanical penthouse included) containing office and retail uses with 7 levels of below grade parking and storage. Residential component will come in at a later date as additions to the main building.
There's been 7 U/G levels proposed for a long time.

It's going to take nearly a year just to dig to the bottom of the hole.
at nearly 85ft deep, this is going to be one BIG hole. Quite probably the largest of this boom, if not ever in the city in terms of sheer volume of soil removed.
The entire hole isn't 7 levels down but a large portion is. Underneath the office tower only has 4 levels.

The Wellington East streetscape plan would create a delightful pedestrian experience. That level of urbanity would be such a step up from our usual shabby mess. Does Council have to approve it? Because if they do there's a better than even chance the plan will be dead on arrival.
The path will feature 15 to 20 statuettes of cats in various poses and positions, including noble Dizzy likenesses that will greet pedestrians at the north and south entrances. There will also be mice statuettes hidden throughout the promenade "like a treasure hunt," says Cormier. And just like Berczy's dog fountain has one cat, the cat promenade will have one dog "just to be fair," he adds.

However, there will not be any grass on the site. Including it would invite dogs to relieve themselves, and in a cat promenade that would be unseemly, added Cormier.
I love this!
