Pic taken July 24, 2017

Hate for raccoons is where you lose my respect, sorry.

Sorry to be of topic, i don't hate raccoons but i dislike them after spending tons of money with wildlife removal companies, watching my garbage bins get mangled, rushing my dogs various times to the vets because of scraps in the yard, let alone calling the city many times to dispose the roadkill on nearby streets...just saying
I will forgive you. Haha. That does sound frustrating.
They are just so adorable, mischievous and resilient.

I'll stop talking about raccoons now. (Passionate subject matter )
Pics taken July 27, 2017

Is the building in the parking lot also part of the demolition phase?


I talked to some of the Globe people at one of the tours of the new Globe HQ. They thought they were being brought with them to the new office but somewhere inside. I can't confirm that.
