I'm curious, when there are so many levels in the completed building, do they provide some ramps that allow cars to get down to the lower parking levels more quickly?
It isn't 7 levels of traditional condo parking There is only a small amount of parking on P1 and P2 as there is double height retail space taking up most of those floors. The ramps loop around quickly through those levels. P3 is the commercial parking, though residential cars will have to drive a distance through the commercial garage to reach the ramps down to the next level. P4 is loading and servicing, so the residential ramps go right past it without stopping, then P5 and P6 is the residential parking, in the more traditional configuration. P7 is only partially excavated, mostly air ventilation space and servicing of the enwave tanks, and has no parking access or ramps.

So if you are a residential driver parking on P5, you enter the garage, go down a small loop ramp to the commercial level, drive through the commercial level for a bit, and go down another ramp to get to P5. Probably similar drive time to many condos with parking on P3.
Pics taken Mar 2, 2018


thanks for the pics. Amazing how quick a hole can be dug with that many trucks coming and going. Looks like they are already hitting bottom underneath the office tower, we may see a crane before April. The portion under the residential part is deeper though, it should take a bit longer.

Anyone know if this is the largest underground ever constructed in the city? City hall is the only other one of similar scale I can think of, and this is significantly deeper. Maybe the Eaton Centre? though there isn't much underground parking there.

Unfortunately that is the bedrock shale layer which is about 10m below finished grade. They are going to have to cut down through it to the finished basement grade which is somewhere close to 20m deep. So no crane just yet I don't believe.
Hmm?, that must cost a lot to be transporting truck loads of dirt that far
Are we sure its going there??...cause i found this

Scugog launches $105 million lawsuit to cover costs of cleaning up Greenbank airport site
GFL Environmental Inc, associates named in Township's counterclaim to airport's $10 million lawsuit

They don't have a choice? I'd be shocked if demand for fill equaled supply.
The amount of activity here is nuts. I stood and watched for about 20 mins yesterday. The site is just massive.
I stopped by this afternoon to watch the excavation. There was a very orderly queue of about 30 dump trucks and two shovels in operation, that I could see. Each one required a mere 2 minutes for a dump truck to get into position, load up on clay, get a pat on the back and be on its way. That works out to 60 trucks an hour. It was amazingly quick and efficient. Impressive!
Does the excavated material still go to the Leslie Street Spit? Is the spit still growing? (anybody know)
