


thanks. Seems like a decent mix of tenants, though clearly more focused on local residents downtown and services for them than being a specific shopping mall in the traditional sense with clothing and physical goods retailers.

Honestly given the tenant mix I'm surprised there isn't a grocer of any significant scale.
thanks. Seems like a decent mix of tenants, though clearly more focused on local residents downtown and services for them than being a specific shopping mall in the traditional sense with clothing and physical goods retailers.

Honestly given the tenant mix I'm surprised there isn't a grocer of any significant scale.
I think that would be tough with the new Farm Boy next door at Front & Bathurst. Plus Sobeys pretty close too on Spadina.
I see Oliver & Bonacini snapped up the "restaurant space" on Wellington. That's a lot of sq ft in one location. Has this been done elsewhere in the GTA - to this scale?
I'm sure the "initial" whole set up for the mall et al. will be followed closely to see if it's worth repeating or what if any tweaking is applied. I'm so looking forward to the opening and success of the entire venture.
I see Oliver & Bonacini snapped up the "restaurant space" on Wellington. That's a lot of sq ft in one location. Has this been done elsewhere in the GTA - to this scale?
I'm sure the "initial" whole set up for the mall et al. will be followed closely to see if it's worth repeating or what if any tweaking is applied. I'm so looking forward to the opening and success of the entire venture.

O&B are planning to run the commissary space for all their restos out of here, so being able to peddle the product on site made some sense too.

I'm not aware of anything of similar scale in industry in Toronto.

Lots of other places have multiple locations and a commissary, but not all on the same site, at least at this scale.
I see Oliver & Bonacini snapped up the "restaurant space" on Wellington. That's a lot of sq ft in one location. Has this been done elsewhere in the GTA - to this scale?
I'm sure the "initial" whole set up for the mall et al. will be followed closely to see if it's worth repeating or what if any tweaking is applied. I'm so looking forward to the opening and success of the entire venture.
O&B are planning to run the commissary space for all their restos out of here, so being able to peddle the product on site made some sense too.

I'm not aware of anything of similar scale in industry in Toronto.

Lots of other places have multiple locations and a commissary, but not all on the same site, at least at this scale.
*All* of the major restaurants (8, I believe?) were given to O&B. Much internal disagreement and consternation about this...
*All* of the major restaurants (8, I believe?) were given to O&B. Much internal disagreement and consternation about this...

As well there should be; if for no other reason than risk hedging.

If O&B ever ran into any kind of trouble, the financial risk for 'The Well' is very high.


Additionally, it takes away from any attempt at a 'curated' feel to the retail.
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Honestly shocked that they would publicly disclose what brands they're merely in the offer stage with or in discussions with. A lot of potential pitfalls in doing that.
This is a new scale for O&B, but they are used to going big. They have a huge almost full block space at Yonge and Front between O&B Cafe and Biff's. They have a pretty big space in the TIFF building.

The few times I've eaten at any of those places I haven't been impressed, but maybe they'll hit a home run here.

Biff's has a decent octopus salad, but I once ordered fish and chips at the place at TIFF and it was probably the worst restaurant food I've ever been served. Completely inedible. How can you ruin fish and chips?
