Are there still lineups at Prince St Pizza at lunch time? I haven't gone there yet, but with the nicer weather am thinking it's time for a walk over.
Are there still lineups at Prince St Pizza at lunch time? I haven't gone there yet, but with the nicer weather am thinking it's time for a walk over.
I went a few weeks ago, it's not out the door, but theres always people in line especially at lunch and dinner.
like 5 minutes of waiting
I got a slice of pizza and sat out in the "west atrium" at lunch. The pizza was pretty good (not really worth traveling for, but certainly tasty and the crust was very nice), and it was a beautiful sunny day to sit out in the sun. Not many people around other than security guards, a few dog walkers and a handful of people out for a stroll. Certainly nobody looked like they were doing any shopping.

I hadn't noticed last time I was there, maybe because it was a grey wintry day, but it is fairly dark in the east-west canyon. And in the bright sun, the roof/screen looks really dirty. I assume it'll get a shine and polish when all the construction is done, but I wonder how much ongoing maintenance it's going to need?
Today. All shots taken at Lower Ground level. A peek inside Wellington Market.



Are there still lineups at Prince St Pizza at lunch time? I haven't gone there yet, but with the nicer weather am thinking it's time for a walk over.
Was there on Friday. Nothing too long.

As an aside... they do insist on putting even single slices in a box though, which is terribly wasteful. The slices are top notch though!
Was there on Friday. Nothing too long.

As an aside... they do insist on putting even single slices in a box though, which is terribly wasteful. The slices are top notch though!

Those boxes are ridiculous! I was there on a cold rainy afternoon a few months back and tried a slice for the first time. The pizza was good, better than average but still not worth the ~$7 I paid for a cheese slice IMO but anyway that is another debate...but I had to walk around with the box in my hands for a few blocks before I realized I wasn't going to find a bin for it so I had to start tearing it into pieces in order to fit it in a recycling bin! overkill
Not just that, but the boxes for Prince Street Pizza are too large for single slices. The slice keeps sliding inside the box. The pepperoni for the Spicy Spring slice keep falling off and some of the cheese too, leaving me with the slice with only the pizza base and crust! Fortunately, I can just put the cheese and pepperoni back on afterwards.

I sometimes get creative, so I go to the nearby Tim Hortons to ask for a large empty Timbit box, which I was given (and the slice fits perfectly).
The person behind me in line asked for their pizza without a box, which I didn't understand until he handed me this giant box with a single small-ish piece of pizza in it. I didn't see how they gave her the pizza, though, as there didn't seem to be anything other than a box to serve it in. Of course, when I was done I piled my box on top of one of the garbage cans.

They put too much pepperoni on anyways, so if half falls off, that's probably a good thing.
Ah, so that’s why I saw so many people walking around The Well with pizza boxes! I was wondering why everyone was buying whole pizzas for takeouts, especially since Prince St whole pizzas cost about $30 each.
