I don't buy the pitch about this tower being about reflecting its context - there is barely any red brick on it and we know they will end up being dinky strips of precast brick that are unrealistically thin to be anything other than precast. The point tower form and podium feel out of place to me, in a neighbourhood of boxy warehouse buildings, streetwall buildings, and 158 Front / Time and Space condos on the other corners.

The tower has some promise as a concept but for me, not at this location.
I like it. And since I'll be close enough to reach out and touch it from my balcony, I guess that's a good thing. I just hope it takes a long time to get approved and built!
I don't buy the pitch about this tower being about reflecting its context - there is barely any red brick on it and we know they will end up being dinky strips of precast brick that are unrealistically thin to be anything other than precast. The point tower form and podium feel out of place to me, in a neighbourhood of boxy warehouse buildings, streetwall buildings, and 158 Front / Time and Space condos on the other corners.

The tower has some promise as a concept but for me, not at this location.

stop hating
Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 2.33.12 PM.png
A Site Plan Approval application was filed September 3: http://app.toronto.ca/DevelopmentAp...4535614&isCofASearch=false&isTlabSearch=false


Renderings from the Applicant Community Consultation Meeting Presentation on September 9:





Summary of changes from the latest Cover Letter:
The following is a list of revisions as shown on the revised architectural plans enclosed herewith: • In response to feedback from City Staff the tower has been sculpted and further refined resulting in the following changes:

  • In response to feedback from City Staff the tower has been sculpted and further refined resulting in the following changes:
    • An increase in the tower setback from the eastern lot line from 10 m to 11.5 m, along with a reduction in the southeast corner of floors 3-9 resulting in an increased setback to Front St E from 3 m to 5 m;
    • A decrease in the tower floorplate from 787 m2 to 750 m2 ;
  • As a result of the above-noted sculpting the residential GFA has been reduced from 29,189 m2 to 27,606 m2 and the indoor amenity space has also been reduced from 1,052 m2 to 1,012 m2 ;
  • In order to improve the proposed conservation approach the accessible area of the 3rd floor outdoor amenity terrace has been set back from the front wall of the retained building at 33 Sherbourne Street. The general area remains the same with a minor reduction in outdoor amenity space of 42 m2 from 451 m2 to 409 m2 ;
  • The balconies on the west and east faces of the tower have been removed;
  • To minimize conflict with the Sherbourne St. bike lanes, the entrance to the residential lobby has been relocated from Sherbourne St. to Front St. E.;
  • The retail GFA has been reduced from 1,427 m2 to 1,371 m2 due to the change in the location of residential lobby; and
  • In order to widen the pedestrian clearway and to provide a continuous street wall with the eastern neighbor (184 Front St. E.) the portion of the podium intended to replace 178 Front St. E. has been set back. The sidewalk will now be a minimum of 2.1 m in width along all of the street frontages onsite, thus improving the pedestrian realm.
This is, like, weirdly good for Menkes? The architectural plans suggest curved glass at the corners, which I find hard to believe, but amazing if real. I can't even find any spandrel on the elevations above the third floor?! The bottom of the brick fins feels a bit unresolved, but aside from that nitpick, if Menkes doesn't botch the execution and the materials are good, this could turn out pretty nicely.
More height here would help, maybe from 37 to 45 floors. Or maybe the brick (?) fins should rise higher above the roofline / mechanical box to create a bigger parapet. It feels truncated.
This is, like, weirdly good for Menkes? The architectural plans suggest curved glass at the corners, which I find hard to believe, but amazing if real. I can't even find any spandrel on the elevations above the third floor?! The bottom of the brick fins feels a bit unresolved, but aside from that nitpick, if Menkes doesn't botch the execution and the materials are good, this could turn out pretty nicely.
I’d be careful, Gianonne has had his last two buildings be complete flunks. I’m in a wait and see mode for this right now.
GPai's strengths are in interior, restaurant and retail design where their flourishes and weird touches are more easily implemented. They really seem to struggle with full buildings. The TCHC building in Regent Park remains their best work.
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Why would they remove the east and west side balconies? Was this requested by the community or is this simply a design change? The link above for the site plan approval isn't working for me.
Not sure about that new corner treatment for the first two floors; this is far less distinctive.

