There needs to be some step down away from main streets. This is a side street. If this is the way to increase density, by turning side streets into main streets, then this makes the city unliveable. On Bloor St, across from High Park, there is a new condo. It is stepped down from the tall buildings to the north. It is on a main street. So it is possible to build on a site compatibly. There are options to building tall towers. I live near Sorauren. There are two ten storey buildings on a tiny street. These are about what is tolerable up against single family dwellings. That is more like city-building as opposed to maximizing profit. I would happily support zoning changes to build up on main avenues. But pushing into side streets, well there has be some sensible line drawn. If I was looking to build, I'd try Yonge at Lawrence or Yonge at York Mills. Or even along Eglinton or Lawrence. Single-family dwellings along those thoroughfares, or most four-lane roads outside the core is where density needs to be picked up. Not in super-dense small areas/mega blocks. Spread it out.