My apologies for the crude drawing, but with the various proposals popping up around Glencairn, city staff will be sure to begin an area study. I hope they let the block busting begin and finally try to make this station as accessible to as many people as possible and get rid of this cookie cutter suburbia on one of our two full subway lines. Anything within blue (i'm sure someone will make a more accurate 10 minute walk radius map) should be fair game for tall and dense development.

As much as I am optimistic, the city's far from enthusiastic attitude towards expanding the 20th century apartment neighborhoods (see High park, Yonge/Eglinton, Parkdale) and instead forcing hyper densification on existing apartment lots is not a great sign.

this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job
this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job
this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job
What about the block of towers two minutes away on Ridelle and Roselawn? Those are not on "major roads" and people seem to be living there just fine.
If you're against development, you need to go after the root cause (this country's business model) that's driving the incentive to build everywhere. Being angry with any one single project won't go anywhere.
this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job
you know we are not blind and can see the expressway about a stones throw from the site right?
this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job

Based on this and the timing did this actually get 28 storeys ???
Settlement offer is public now. And @realpolytics no, it did not get 28s........... LOL........ it got 30!

@Art Tsai will wish to make note of the revisions here.

From the above:





The Plans:

- No new renders, just some massing and some floorplans

- From the above:



Comment: On the upside, Parks turned down the idea of the tiny park fronting Marlee........but for some reason we now have a 'piazza' there. LOL I would rather have a had a slightly wider sidewalk, more podium, but take the street wall down a floor. Oh well.
this building is ridiculous and should not be approved - where th is Colle? who approved this garbage - 28 floors in a pure residential area with 2 lane road - who's getting the kickback??
this belongs on a major road at best.
besides being ugly; way too tall.
max should be 10 floors.
get real city councillors and do your job
Ah, well, nevertheless.
One quarter of units being 2/3 bedroom is good. I also like that there are three smaller retail units rather than one larger unit.

I agree the piazza doesn't feel that useful but it's better than the parking lots fronting Marlee that are there now. Shifting Marlee towards more of a pedestrian/bike/transit street will do a lot for the area.
The City has too-long focused on simple 'number of bedrooms' as the metric providing relief to the onslaught of tiny units in this City. But they're asleep at the wheel. It no longer matters if a unit is 3br because that 3br is 750sf and you can touch all the walls from the centre of the room. I've had the unfortunate job of doing PDIs for new purchasers and it's wild (and totally understandable) to see the smile on their faces wain as they grasp the real dimensions of their new 'home'.
