the presentation center is going up soon. taken today:


The tones in this photo remind me of those 1970s photos of the city that can be found at the Toronto Archives website.
Urbanation says today it's getting a height extension to 31s:

Variance application for Yorkville Residences by Lifetime Dev off Davenport: 31-storeys, 238 units, 164 pkg spaces on 5 underground levels. about 2 hours ago via web

(Just opened google chrome to view the rendering: H:DT!)
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urbandreamer, when's the Urbanation info from? The rendering showing 28 storeys, is brand new.

That's literally the first render I've ever seen on UT that made my eyes go wide... I take that as a good sign.
I like the render. Any bets on how closely the finished product matches this render?
oh man, I almost had a heart attack (of joy) when I saw that render! OMG perhaps someone has heard or calls for something non- green and boxy! This is so sexy and cool! fingers crossed this makes it to reality without any corner cutting...
If the protruding boxes are gold glass, that will be hideous.

But otherwise, this building is very sexy! A good omen for changing tides in Toronto architecture!
