Strong as in good value. Consider 18 Yorkville has recent sales averaging in the $800 PSF.

It was thought that this development would be in the $750-$850 range, and it still may be. But its interesting that it looks like they are going lower then that at $700 and under. I should have pricing soon.
$600-$650 here perhaps, but honestly, this isn`t 18 Yorkville--a far superior location. This condo is Yorkville in name only....if you want to live away from but close to Yorkville and bank a large return over the next century, buy a house.

Whenever the Masonic Temple wises up to reality and pulls a tour st- jacques as proposed in montreal, YR`s views are finished.:D

tour st-jacques from gilbert on

look like 40 floors on this one


also posted on ssp here with more stunning mtl proposals:
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It wasn't that long ago that 18 Yorkville was considered a lousy location, on the wrong side of Yorkville (village). I think today I'd prefer a place there over a place at 100 Yorkville. Something similar could easily transpire with some of these northern buildings.
It certainly will be interesting to see the reaction that it gets, and if it sells well. If it is priced below 700PSF, I cant see it lasting long.
Whenever the Masonic Temple wises up to reality and pulls a tour st- jacques as proposed in montreal, YR`s views are finished.:D

Er, they tried that in '97 and got shot down by heritage interests. Then, CTV bought the building and the rest is history...
But given the site, how could they manage it w/o gutting the place or demolishing the neighbours?
I can't see them selling for 600-650/square foot. Definitely not 600. I'd look for prices of smaller suites around 680-700 and smaller suites around 725-750.
Location sucks--it's on the wrong side of the action.

Building looks nice but has appalling views of that ugly church south of it (surely the church will sell to a developer to build a view-blocking highrise someday...:D) and some hideous 80s condos.

It's already selling to insiders, so forget about paying retail here--painful.

You consider this a bad location? It's right across the street from Yorkville. It's basically the same neighbourhood. It's a one minute walk to The Four Seasons, for Christ sakes. I think it's a great location.
I walk by this site several times a week, and it amazes me that they're even putting a tower here. The site looks sooo tiny. It's sandwiched right beside the Florian that's underway. I know the Yorkville will be located where the architecture firm currently is (a beautiful oasis if you ask me), but it just seems like such a tiny spot to put such a huge building. Apparently there's also a tower going up just north of The Yorkville, but just south of that white gothic condo.

Over-development much? I think so. Kyle Rae's legacy, it seems.
$600-$650 here perhaps, but honestly, this isn`t 18 Yorkville--a far superior location. This condo is Yorkville in name only....if you want to live away from but close to Yorkville and bank a large return over the next century, buy a house.

Whenever the Masonic Temple wises up to reality and pulls a tour st- jacques as proposed in montreal, YR`s views are finished.:D

So what are they doing? Building a token stacked box tower with the old building's facade tacked on across the street from a surface parking lot? How noteworthy. That would be a shame to happen to the Masonic Temple.
Cant touch that, its Toronto Hydro property..:rolleyes:

Sure you can by making a condition of the project, but the developer will have to pick up some of the cost. Then Hydo will do their crying that there still life in those pole and wires.

Time to bury these poles.
