Beautiful sunset right now.

I would've preferred retail of course, but I believe one of the major issues would've been accessibility. As the existing format of those entrances all require stairs.

And the reason is: If the initial proposal, as designed by Scott Shields, had gone ahead, it would have involved a full basement under the existing town homes, with the existing units being deconstructed and rebuilt with sidewalk level access to the ground floors, enabling the ground floors to be used for retail or other commercial purposes. Ultimately, the decision was made to not extend the below grade / garage levels to underneath the existing town homes and they are now being retained as is, with their half floor up and half floor down access to the 'ground level' units, they no longer meet current accessibility standards requirements - they can only effectively be used for residential purposes. I guess the pre-existing non conforming use may no longer apply, or it was deemed to be not practical to redeploy them as retail / other commercial after the construction.
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For the longest time I thought there was only one tower. Buildings tend to blend together in the entertainment district,
