Well, I can't just let this go uncommented on.

The question is what Cause and Effect might Time and Space have here. While City Planning might have felt like they were in a temporal causality loop while reviewing revision after revision, I'm not convinced they've pulled out of it at the right time to avoid some kind of catastrophic collision.

Maybe they're trying to appeal to the "Big Bang Theory" crowd. Too bad this city doesn't have an Caltech type university.
Well, I can't just let this go uncommented on.

The question is what Cause and Effect might Time and Space have here. While City Planning might have felt like they were in a temporal causality loop while reviewing revision after revision, I'm not convinced they've pulled out of it at the right time to avoid some kind of catastrophic collision.


Considering the number of times it got stuck in the temporal loop...


They've put up a big sign for this condo where Siesta Nouveaux used to be, and have plastered the former Acura dealership with an ad for it as well.
They've put up a big sign for this condo where Siesta Nouveaux used to be, and have plastered the former Acura dealership with an ad for it as well.

They've also built a lot of new internal walls inside the former Acura dealership. I think that's going to be the sales centre. I would have though the former Sobey's would have been nicer for that, but maybe it's easier to lease out in the interim. Happy to see those awful decals for that clearance warehouse disappear from its windows, anyway.

Still not totally loving the renders for this new condo development but those two vacant buildings and weedy lots aren't helping the neighbourhood any, so we might as well get on with things.
