Some closeup shots for a change.

You can see in that last photo that the second and fourth floors are quite tall, while the third is quite short. Any idea why? I think that's the building that they are trying to source a daycare operator for.
You can see in that last photo that the second and fourth floors are quite tall, while the third is quite short. Any idea why? I think that's the building that they are trying to source a daycare operator for.
One reason might be that one of these floors may be where the horizontal piping runs for the hot and cold domestic water supplies and the HVAC systems are run, in order to feed the vertical risers - especially if the floors above have a reasonably standard 'typical' floor plate to facilitate routing of the risers. The horizontal piping runs would likely be above the drop ceilings in the corridors, and with the need to maintain a minimum height within the corridors themselves, would result in an increase in the slab-to-slab height for that floor - typically about an extra foot in height.

However - given the very visible differences in the slab-to-slab heights here - I somewhat doubt this is the case for these floors....
You can see in that last photo that the second and fourth floors are quite tall, while the third is quite short. Any idea why? I think that's the building that they are trying to source a daycare operator for.
Yes, you're right. Children only need so much headroom and that's why the third floor seems so short. The daycare is being dedicated to John Malkovich by the way.
