I’m going to take a wild guess here, investor?
Nope. Future home owner with my family. Looking for a little tact, civility and constructive criticism. Shouldn't be that hard an ask. I'm fine with comments that highlight or question design and materials. That's useful. But, anonymity brings out the ugliness. And, it'll be proven I'm sure with the comments to follow. I'll roll my eyes at them and continue to engage and thank those who provide cool vantage points and constructive insights into how this project is coming together. Thanks again for the opportunity to clarify my desire for more intelligent and productive posts and exchanges.
Agreed. Really love those. Thank you for the comments and pictures that actually add value to this thread instead of using it as a "bashing" bully pulpit. Those here just to call the project "junk" ( and I'm paraphrasing politely) 17 different ways (before it's even half done) don't offer anything constructive, inspiring or community building. I guess I hit a nerve with trolls. sigh. lol
Moving the ad hominem aside, who is actually being bullied here?
Nope. Future home owner with my family. Looking for a little tact, civility and constructive criticism. Shouldn't be that hard an ask. I'm fine with comments that highlight or question design and materials. That's useful. But, anonymity brings out the ugliness. And, it'll be proven I'm sure with the comments to follow. I'll roll my eyes at them and continue to engage and thank those who provide cool vantage points and constructive insights into how this project is coming together. Thanks again for the opportunity to clarify my desire for more intelligent and productive posts and exchanges.
I think you are, like many people, unwilling to see that you may have bought a Unit in a building that is not showing many (any?) signs of 'working' and though Units may increase in value due to the (amazing) price increases we are seeing, will never be seen as anything but 'utilitarian'. As others have said, nobody here thinks that the former uses of the site (a failed grocery store in a repurposed garage or a car dealer with a huge parking lot - plus 'the Purple House) were good uses for this prominent site. Obviously, something was going to happen and it was - at least in part - going to be 'quite tall'. The building will bring, much welcomed, newcomers (like you and your family) to our neighbourhood but you will be living in a building that simply does not fit into (and changes) the fabric of the neighbourhood itself and, one assumes, you and other buyers were attracted by the neighbourhood. Once this building is finished it will be a different place. In general, the built form south of Front is mid-rise with a fair amount of green-space; this building is huge and quite overpowering at street level.

Yes, it is not yet finished, and one is sometimes pleasantly surprised at how 'finishing touches' can REALLY improve a building, but as it moves onwards, it seems to me (and many others here) that to see more of it is to see more failings and missed opportunities It is very unfortunate that the building is built right up to the property line on the Sherbourne, Esplanade and Princess sides (there is a bit more space and a, much needed, wider sidewalk on Front). The developer paid too much for the site so was not prepared to put all parking underground and rather than excavating and removing the polluted soil it was capped. The POPS 'courtyard' is already in semi-permanent shade (and the building surrounding it is far from finished). The windows and 'siding' look cheap and uninspired. The retail spaces appear to be too small and separated to attract useful retailers (though I am prepared to be surprised here as I think no retailers have been announced.)
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I think you are, like many people, unwilling to see that you may have bought a Unit in a building that is not showing many (any?) signs of 'working' and though Units may increase in value due to the (amazing) price increases we are seeing, will never be seen as anything but 'utilitarian. As others have said, nobody here thinks that the former uses of the site (a failed grocery store in a repurposed garage) or a car dealer with a huge parking lot - plus 'the Purple House) were good uses for this prominent site. Obviously, something was going to happen and it was - at least in part - going to be 'quite tall'. The building will bring, much welcomed, newcomers (like you and your family) to our neighbourhood but you will be living in a building that simply does not fit into (and changes) the fabric of the neighbourhood itself and, one assumes, you and other buyers were attracted by the neighbourhood. Once this building is finished it will be a different place. In general, the built form south of Front is mid-rise with a fair amount of green-space; this building is huge and quite overpowering at street level.

Yes, it is not yet finished, and one is sometimes pleasantly surprised at how 'finishing touches' can REALLY improve a building, but as it moves onwards, it seems to me (and many others here) that to see more of it is to see more failings and missed opportunities It is very unfortunate that the building is built right up to the property line on the Sherbourne, Esplanade and Princess sides (there is a bit more space and a, much needed, wider sidewalk on Front). The developer paid too much for the site so was not prepared to put all parking underground and rather than excavating and removing the polluted soil it was capped. The POPS 'courtyard' is already in semi-permanent shade (and the building surrounding it is far from finished). The windows and 'siding' look cheap and uninspired. The retail spaces appear to be too small and separated to attract useful retailers (though I am prepared to be surprised here as I think no retailers have been announced.)
Thanks for taking the time to write this post. I really appreciate all your thoughts on the build. I'll be keeping an eye on all of that as it reaches completion. I do like the outdoor spaces for home owners. The whole 10th floor is amenities. And 17th floor has outdoor yoga space. I know it doesn't contribute to the community. But, it's value added for unit owners who need to manage the density. Someone above said the LCBO will be taking over one of the retail spaces. Personally the proximity to the St. Lawrence market one is the most exciting parts of this location.
Welcome to the neighbourhood! Since the pandemic started, I've gone to St. Lawrence almost every week. It's definitely a major perk to being down here.

They are also trying to source someone to run a daycare, I think in the southwest corner. It will be a little late for me, but would be a good addition to the neighbourhood, as the waiting lists are extremely long at every other daycare. I'm looking forward to having 1600 more families living near me and keeping the streets animated at all times.

This building is taller than most around it, but it's not like it's new for the buildings along Esplanade to build right up to the property limit. Pretty much every building did that, and while they are not 17-29 storeys like this one, many are 10+.

It would be nice if this building was as handsome as St. Lawrence Condos on the kitty-corner, but having it is still a net benefit for the area.
They seem to have covered over the gap between North and south towers.
It's 11:15 and they are still running their power trowels. I try to stay positive about the effect of this building for the neighbourhood, but they seem to be doing everything possible to alienate everyone around.

Running noisy equipment at 11:15 is a giant middle finger to the neighbours. Why would they do that?
I wait to see the street feel on Front, but fear the tight sidewalk is going to make it feel like the Innovation Centre to the south- which for my money, is way worse than this.
It is baffling to me that this development ever got approved in the first place. It is a total pig from an urban design perspective, does not have significant public/community benefits associated with it (only $2.5M Section 37), and from what I can tell from looking at the public record, the City never supported it and yet did not show up to oppose it at the LPAT hearing (in fact they settled with the developer on mysterious terms).

Very suss.
