Yes, you are correct. Prior to the Pan-Am Games, Pam McConnell worked closely with the City, Hydro, the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Assn and the BIA to create the Front Street Promenade that runs between Jarvis and Bayview. One of its features was burying the overhead electrical wires and many wires were buried and more "Victorian' pedestrian lights were installed . However, the blocks between Sherbourne and just east of Princess was not done due to cost and the, not unreasonable, idea that because there were several potential building sites in those blocks it would be best to wait until redevelopment happened. Based on this 'plan', as the blocks are now being redeveloped, the wires between Sherbourne and Princess should now be being buried. Of course, nobody wants to pay for this and the City was not able to get it into the Site Plan as a developer expense when the development went to the OMB. Will they now be buried, who knows! (It is interesting to note that though all the overhead wires west of Sherbourne were buried, the City recently installed traffic lights at Frederick & Front - with overhead wiring!