Agreed. I'll always have great memories of Kerr Hall, but there is no way Ryerson can justify keeping it given its land constraints.
Kerr Hall is terrible, in the way that it treats Church Street. It can't come down fast enough for me. What a terrible pedestrian experience it is, walking up Church Street.
The best thing about Kerr Hall is the quad. Universities need that kind of open green space for students to congregate, relax, toss a ball around, whatever. U of T has those open spaces in abundance, whereas Ryerson's location prevents it from having any outside of Kerr Hall.
Everyone loves the quad, just not the thing surrounding it. The Ryerson Master plan has them replacing Kerr hall with 4 individual structures and retaining the quad. I doubt that it will happen anytime soon, but it is there in the long term. probably a phased development with partial removal of different Kerr Hall wings and replacement with larger structures.
As said above, Ryerson will keep the quad most likely. But in their master plan, Ryerson is very focused on vertical development. That large piece of land that houses Kerr Hall is completely underused. They'll probably keep some parts of Kerr Hall due to heritage constraints, but the master plan shows a lot of potential. Multiple tall 10+ storey towers around each corner that will eventually will replace the current buildings.

C'mon, Kerr Hall is nasty. I won't miss it as a Ryerson student.
I noticed some drilling/work happening at the parking lot that belongs to Ryerson (north west corner of Jarvis and Dundas). Any idea if they are planning to start building something there while this one starts to ramp down?
That's the plan from my understanding, yes. I seem to recall them announcing what faculty will use that new building too, but can't recall which.
^ Big news.

Kerr Hall is terrible, in the way that it treats Church Street. It can't come down fast enough for me. What a terrible pedestrian experience it is, walking up Church Street.

I actually have to disagree. During the summer time especially, it is quite nice and shaded to walk along Church.

The main constraint is that the sidewalk is too narrow, IMO.

That being said, I wouldn't mind punching through one of the classrooms to give Kerr Hall a Church Street mid-block entrance. Perhaps that will deal with the way the building turns its back on Church Street.
Description posted:
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to facilitate redevelopment of the subject site for an 11-storey academic base building (plus mechanical) which can accommodate learning space, research space and departmental offices as well as retail and institutional service use at grade. Above the base a 29 storey residential tower (plus mechanical) will host a new Ryerson University student residence.
Description posted:

Subject to quality architecture and public realm, this is very much a welcome investment, to which I look forward.

Likely the mature trees will have to go which is unfortunate, but perhaps we can get extra wide side walk with high quality planting as part of this development.
11-storey podium is very large. If this was not an institutional building, that would be frowned upon based on the tall buildings guidelines.

The podium will be nearly as tall as the adjacent buildings on Mutual Street.
