From my understanding, that article is correct, but as it says, there are two ways to meet the requirements in the code. The performance path doesn't require a 40-60 glazing ratio.
Edit: The Block 22 article from a few months ago includes a piece at the bottom outlining the changes:
Edit: The Block 22 article from a few months ago includes a piece at the bottom outlining the changes:
In January 2012, Ontario's new Building Code went into effect. The new OBC legally binds developments, including condominiums, to a strict set of energy efficiency standards outlined in ASHRAE 90.1-2010. Following the prescriptive path, no more than 40% of the building can be vision glass, a significant departure from the current average window-to-wall ratio of 70%. The performance path provides an alternative, which many developers will likely seek, that requires extensive energy modelling to meet prescribed energy savings targets. Glazing will still be allowed, though its quality and energy performance will have to meet these new rules.
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