This development does have its share of issues.
Notably, it doesn't comply with outdoor amenity space requirements, doesn't dedicate any parkland in green-space challenged area; over supplies parking, and is both dull and lacking in ambition.
I understand forestry's objections to the sheer number of quality trees that would have to go, for this proposal as laid out now.
But at least 1/2 could be saved with a better, denser proposal.
Here is my big issue, the City formally objects based on neighbourhoods, density and privacy/overlook.
Backing on these existing single-family homes is :
Which is taller and denser than what is proposed.
Burnhamthorpe is major road with frequent transit.
As seen in this photo, there is commercial to the south of the site, beyond the apartment above; and a large church, parking and commercial to the east and south-east.
While I certainly support something better than what is proposed, the density/height objections are nonsense.
Building a mid-rise/hirise at the corner with the crescent, that steps down to its SFH neighbour would be sensible.
A new park could be created in the south-east section of the site and preserve some of the better trees.
It would likely exceed the minimum park dedication by a factor of 4; but that could off-set other section 37 and even see a modest transfer from the City.