from Daily Commercial News, Steeles Ave. West Station....

SUBWAY STATION Proj: 9073415-7
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON WORKING DRAWINGS

Steeles Ave West Station, Keele St, Jane St, M6L
$20,000,000 est

Start: June, 2011 Complete: November, 2012

Note: Tender for Contractors to complete cut and cover and track to connect Spadina to the Wilson Yard has been issued, report number 9104634. Arch is undertaking preliminary Station concept plans and design. An Information Session will be held by the Owner for interested Design/Build Contractors and Consortia December 4, 2009. INFORMATION is available at Owner expects to issue a Design/build/Bid proposals for Consortia to complete Working drawings and Contract management Summer 2010. Individual Consortia will be awarded late 2010. Tender and construction schedules will are undetermined. Further update late Summer, 2010.
Project: concrete foundation, concrete tilt-up structural frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of a new Steeles Avenue West Subway station as part of the extension of the Spadina subway followed under report number 1309236. The station will include a 30-40 bay bus terminal and passenger pick-up. The area surrounding the station would include a pedestrian plaza on the north side of Steeles Ave and commuter parking for up to 3,000 cars.

Scope: 5,000 m²; 1 storey; 2 storeys below grade; parking for 3000 cars
Development: New
Category: Passenger terminals; Tunnels, subways; Retail, wholesale services; Misc engineering
Alsop - Warped Eggshell Shapes at Steeles West

from a longer article on Will Alsop in the National Post....

All the better for Toronto: Alsop plans to open a new office here with RMJM around March, and is currently designing the Finch West and Steeles West subway stops for the 2015 Spadina extension. His plans for Steeles West, with their characteristic Alsopian visionary whimsy, were approved last month by the TTC; expect to see warped-eggshell shapes aboveground with openings that allow light to flood into platform level.

full article is here...
from a longer article on Will Alsop in the National Post....

full article is here...

Glad to see that TTC is bringing up new station designs, especially with Alsop's ideas. His OCAD design has put T.O. on the map of design world. Until then, I didn't think there would be such thing as "revolutionary architecture" in Toronto.

Anyone surprised to hear this from Alsop:

"There was a masterplan; there was an idea, and that's the most dangerous thing - having an idea. Because it's always wrong."

This message is priceless...
Steeles West Design

Steeles West Station Final Design, from Feb 2 TTC Commission Meeting:


Wow, if it actually turns out like its renders, this station has the potential to turn into one of the most visually interesting stations on the system.

Made some screenshots for the lazy people :).



Wow, if it actually turns out like its renders, this station has the potential to turn into one of the most visually interesting stations on the system.

Made some screenshots for the lazy people :).




It looks absolutely spectacular. The only thing I'd change is that Steeles West sign on the roof in the first rendering, which seems to detract from the dignity of the design. This station could be the most spectacular in Canada, and among the best in world. A casual observer from outside the city might say that this is what's expected from Canada's metropolis, but we've struggled with subway station design in the past. Not all stations need to look like this, but the spirit of wanting to create something unique in station, something memorable and impressive, is quite appropriate for subway station design. The subway is after all, one of the critical arteries of a big, dense city. Its stations are meeting places, hubs of activity, notable structures in neighbourhoods used by people from different walks of life.

I can only hope that the TTC will approach future rapid transit projects with the same approach to station design, especially if building downtown or renovating downtown stations.
Wow, thats a really nice design. Cant wait for it to be built. I'm sure theres going to be a ton of condos popping up around it after its built.
Looks gorgeous. I hope Vaughan and Toronto bring some serious density to this area. Zone the lands for dense mid-rise office buildings like the one built ar Keele and Steeles
Like the looks... but I see they still separated the TTC and YRT bus stations. If you roll in on a YRT bus, you have a major hike ahead of you to catch a TTC bus, and vice versa.
Am I the only one who's noticed that they did away with the light cone that was shown in the preliminary drawings? It was to be located on the southwest corner of Steeles and Northwest Gate and was intended to allow daylight to penetrate to track level.
Nope, and this isn't a unique thing either - they got rid of the skylight in the middle of the original York University station design.

They installed a new light cone that shines down to the concourse level of the main entrance instead. With the gradually curved roof it will be visible from track level but obviously not quite the same as the light cone in the centre of the platform would have been. It is strange that this whole redesign was due to incorrect assumptions on property availability... shouldn't they have known that already?
I really like the bus bay design on the Steeles West station. This is something I have appreciated about the TTC since moving to Toronto indirectly from Vancouver a few years ago. Really appreciate having the buses enter directly into the station here in this city at a lot of stations in the system. Makes transferring much more comfortable and sheltered. Glad the TTC designs most of the stations this way- and are slowly getting rid of the seperated bus platforms at some of the not so well designed stations. I appreciate a shared platform when I am tranferring from bus to bus instead of getting on a train as well.
