I'm surprised the crane is still there. I have a direct view of it, and it is not active at all. I guess there's still stuff going up for which they can't use the elevators.
I will say, when buildings are laced in balconies, it actually makes them look taller, or at least makes them look their actual height. You really get a sense of how many floors are in the buildings.
Anyone know if the town homes here can function as live/work units, so that we might at least see some commercial activity even if it's low volume stuff like logo designers and behavioural therapists?
When I went to see the model suite I spoke with the sales person who said that the units on Bay Street could be used as live work. Not sure if that is true or not but that is what I was told.
Everywhere I've been where these buildings are visible, they look terrific. Given these were planned back in the mostly uninspired time of condo design, they really turned out well.