New render in today's Globe and Mail. Has the town home portion disappeared? The render is very vague about the base.

but the staggered balconies is the principal design element/feature here .... without that this would be ...... yet another 'box'
It's time to coin a new phrase called "the (apparent) shortening" for renders of projects that are much taller than the render suggests. Having seen the elevations, I can only assume the artist has been given strict instructions to temper any perceived "soaring" height in favour of something that looks more "neighbourly". Gee, wonder why?

Or perhaps the artist just has no talent....
good catch 3Demntia ~ yup certainly the perceived height in the renderings have been fudged as this progressed

Yes, keep the staggered balconies... or it'll be another "non-descript Toronto building". Wimpy podium... doesn't look like it'll help the Bay St. wall too much.
That townhouse podium bugs me. I'd rather see them get rid of it entirely and have towers sprouting from the ground like CBD office towers. And a huge ground floor like Murano.
^Or, have a very well manicured public park at the base from which the towers sprout. I don't have a problem with "towers in a park" - it's the privatization of that green space, and the generous provision of automobile-related streetscaping in 1960s T in a P projects that bugs me. A more recent case in point: Pier 27.
Just as the cladding used for the townhomes reflects the stone-faced appearance of the older university buildings, their placement creates a courtyard of enclosed green space that also reflects the nature of campuses of that era.

In sum, we get two sleek towers in keeping with the principles of utopian Modernism, combined with perimeter buildings in the fear-of-heights squash and spread approach that anti-Modernist reaction landed us with.
I find it interesting that people still cling to the outdated and debunked idea of "Utopian Modernism".



No thanks.
