I think expecting that townhomes to make or break the liveliness of Bay is unrealistic, given the feel of that entire stretch of the street and how the various buildings in the area relate to it. I'd settle for better streetscaping instead.

24 August 2014

From a few months ago. I think the light contrast is amazing!


  • IMG_1028.jpg
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That, in my experience, is the single best photograph of U Condos yet taken.

That, in my experience, is the single best photograph of U Condos yet taken.


was about to say the same thing. up close, the effect of the curved balcony pattern is much more prominent where the effect is lost somewhat from a distance. The trees and the grass pattern also look good. I remember way back when that I considered these to be very tall and would dominate the area. Because it took so long for them to go up, they're now only really filler on the skyline. A lot has changed since then.
'Offset' would be a better word.

Steveve, the effect of the offset balconies will be much more pronounced from a distance once they are all glazed, and once the top floors of the building are clad.

The balconies really do look fantastic. Proof that beauty is often in the details.

Question for anyone who might know: are the patterns embedded in the balcony glass part of the 1% public art contribution? I'm frequently curious about where the line is drawn between structural embellishments and public "art". (Re: the disastrous entrance of the Cinema Tower (or whatever it's called) next to Tiff LB--which afaik is amazingly, and laughably, the "art" contribution.

In a similar vein, could the lamentably unrealized crown/mechanical floor detailing (i.e. the continuation of the medical tape wrapping) of Theatre Tower (or whatever it's called) not have been placed in the public art component, in which case the design would be kind of sacrosanct and not subject to The Cheapening?
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Top floor of construction elevator is labelled as 47 (with mechanical sitting atop). Is level 47 also mechanical or part of penthouse suites?
like the new condo on Charles near by (77 Charles), was the stone face of the townhomes/podium here changed from rough to smooth? If so, is this for cost or aesthetic reasons?
