U Condos just after sunset tonight:


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Lovely glow!

The balconies really do look fantastic. Proof that beauty is often in the details.

Question for anyone who might know: are the patterns embedded in the balcony glass part of the 1% public art contribution? I'm frequently curious about where the line is drawn between structural embellishments and public "art". (Re: the disastrous entrance of the Cinema Tower (or whatever it's called) next to Tiff LB--which afaik is amazingly, and laughably, the "art" contribution.

Have you seen Ron Baird's scifi doors at Dupont Station? That's the functional entrance to a power substation. Functional parts of buildings designed in part by artists can be ingenious. The city's mandate for public art should be that it's owned by the government for the people or maintained by the private sector for the public's enjoyment for a defined period of time--preferably in perpetutity.
They've added concrete anchors about 3 ft away from the building for the dark lines on the balconies to be able to extend down to the ground. So that answers that question - they did not cheap out on that design element!
Taken this afternoon. The mechanical units on the roof are in on the first tower.





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Imho these two are damn boring and I fear the balconies glass ain't gonna makes things better. Another repetitive project brought to you by yaAwn.
