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Apr 23, 2007
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By: John Stewart

December 6, 2007 - If the University of Toronto's governing council okays the plan later this month, construction starts in April on a new $36.1 million medical academy building at the school's Mississauga campus.

If approved, the new academy would open in 2010 with the school's Faculty of Medicine contributing $16.8 million towards the cost and UTM contributing $10.7 million. The province will provide the remaining $8.6 million.

The university's academic board has recommended that the governing council establish a budget and deteremine a location for the highly-anticipated academy. The new facility will act as a satellite of the downtown medical school and will facilitate the training of family doctors through internships at Mississauga's two hospitals.

A new building will house the medical academy, in a departure from the original plan to renovate the existing South Building.

"The new building will be tightly integrated into the UTM campus," said Professor Jay Rosenfield, vice-dean at the Faculty of Medicine.

"Two thirds of the building will be dedicated to needs of the academy: teaching, curriculum and administrative needs," said Ray deSouza, UTM’s chief administrative officer. "One-third will be dedicated to four research labs for UTM’s academic programs that will support medical teaching in the medical academy and then office space for faculty and staff.â€

The academy will accept its first students in 2010 with plans to start

The plan calls for all University of Toronto medical students to rotate to the Mississauga Academy during their four years in the MD program.

"The development of the medical academy and the important partnership between the Faculty of Medicine, UTM and the two hospitals in Mississauga is a significant event in the history of each of these organizations," said Dr. Pam Coates, director of the UTM medical academy and a senior administrator at Credit Valley Hospital. "This milestone change will enable each of these organizations to better serve the students and the community and provide an innovative community-based program developed upon the strong tradition of medical education at the University of Toronto."

Neato. I wonder what the future holds for the two satellite campuses. Will the GTA soon have five major universities instead of three?
I'd love to see both satellite campuses become more than, well, satellite campuses (not campi, the word is campy and reminds me of scampi). There's really no reason why they couldn't be full-fledged equals to the St. George campus like all the schools in the University of California system. that would benefit both UTSC and UTM and it would boost the overall UofT brand, too.

While I don't see either UTM or UTSC ditching the Ts in their name anytime soon, I think that if one of the two were to do so, it'd be UTM. Not just because it's the rebellious city of Mississauga, though, but because UTSC really needs to hang on to that T, while UTM would be much more respected as UofM from day one. Just my opinion, though.

You know, I've never been to the UTM campus...
I've never been to UTM myself, but UTSC didn't impress. The faux industrial meets academic look of some of the building interiors didn't wake any emotions. It was quirky as I was used to the dignity of the St. George architecture when thinking of the U of T. Outside of some of New College anyway.
UTM actually has a nice campus that's filling up nicely. When you're there, you wouldn't even know you're in Mississauga - it has a very self contained feel to it.

It was fairly sparse back in the late 90s early 2000s, but it's great to see all the construction that's going on. All it needs are even more residence spots and it should start holding its own.

I hope none of the satellite campuses ever break away from U of T and become independent schools. I don't see U of T letting that happen either.

I could see Mississauga opening it's own University though.
I've never been to UTM myself, but UTSC didn't impress. The faux industrial meets academic look of some of the building interiors didn't wake any emotions. It was quirky as I was used to the dignity of the St. George architecture when thinking of the U of T. Outside of some of New College anyway.

That "faux industrial" is very real brutalism - UTSC was a seminal structure, one that attracted worldwide attention at the time.

The dignified St. George architecture, meanwhile, is explicitly faux Oxbridge - the designers of the days did everything in their power to rip off the old universities, to give U of T a bit of olde-world grandeur.

I'm not disagreeing with your feelings about it, junctionist. Everyone's authentic is someone else's faux, is all.
Since it was dark when I went visited, I couldn't admire the exterior of UTSC, but I remember the some of the interiors appeared recently renovated. It was a kind of faux-industrial because of the warehouse style lamps and other details. It wasn't the faux aspect that was weird, but finding it in an academic institution that was.
Somehow, I'm more tempted to attach the label "faux industrial" to something like Innis College, with its exposed metalwork and loftlike aesthetic. (And a little taken for granted in today's world of architectural appreciation.)
Medical Academy @ UTM (4s)

Province puts cash into medical academy
By: Julie Slack

University of Toronto Mississauga is receiving $15.6 million from Queen's Park to help build a $36-million medical academy.

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities made the announcement today. The capital funding will be delivered over three years and UTM has already dedicated $15 million to the project. Fundraising efforts will help pick up the rest of the tab.

The new facility, to be housed in a four-storey structure on the Mississauga Rd. campus, will open in September 2011 to 54 first-year students.

It will focus on general family practice. Students will study at UTM and learn at partner hospitals, Trillium Health Centre and Credit Valley Hospital.

In the first two years, students will spend about half their time at the school and the remainder at hospitals and community doctors' offices. In their third and fourth years, they'll spend nearly all of their time at the hospitals.

The medical facility will be located on what is now vacant land between the Communications, Culture and Technology and South buildings.

"The Mississauga Academy of Medicine, with its focus on community-based medical education, is an ideal fit for Mississauga and the surrounding communities," said Mayor Hazel McCallion. "We are delighted this new academy will benefit the well-being of everyone who lives and works here."

The provincial funding is part of the government's commitment to improve access to doctors by creating 100 new spaces at five medical schools over the next three years.

Mississauga-Erindale MPP Harinder Takhar called it, "great news for Mississauga. By training more medical students in our community, we’re helping to ensure we will have the doctors we need for the future.â€

"Access to healthcare professionals is a growing challenge for Canadians," said Catharine Whiteside, dean of University of Toronto's faculty of medicine. "In 2007, the University of Toronto educated half the practicing doctors who graduated from Ontario medical schools two years earlier, and a higher percentage of our post-graduates and undergraduate MDs remain in Ontario to practice."

I've actually only been on the campus one or two times, very briefly. Can one just walk around a campus and take photos without issue?
UTM is pretty easy to wander around and take pics of. From what I remember, weekends are sometimes hit and miss since generally it's only the library, student centre, rec and CCT buildings that are unlocked. It might have changed but that was my experience from three years ago.
