The existing proposal is much nicer in my opinion. Allied seems to like standing out, so I can't imagine this not turning out well - whenever it gets built
King West is the centre of creative industries in the city. Companies tend to organize into hubs focused around like talent, like clients and like suppliers. Banks are no different. The Well will probably fill up with ad and marketing agencies, design and print, PR agencies, online startups and established .com's.

I could see financial services taking up a significant portion of Union Centre. With office space falling, I think we're due for an announcement soon.

There is a need for banks to consolidate some operations in and around King and Bay however, any sizable sub market for office space whether it's Yonge & Bloor, Yonge & College, Yonge & Dundas, etc. has the banks as major tenants. I'm not sure of The Well's square footage exactly but it must be at the upper limit for even our biggest creative firms to be a lead tenant. The big established .coms are still firmly entrenched in suburbia. So far, I only see small satellite offices setup downtown by them.

Allied's representative in the article is very bullish that they will sign a tenant. They are a REIT so it makes perfect sense. Vacancy is low and you do have big player scouting all options but, something tells me the price tag to move to a new building will end up being too high. Fingers and toes crossed.
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And I'm so glade they redesigned to what we now have and hope it gets built. The previous one as posted above is something you'd see in any major city. Modern but Generic and forgettable. Toronto is on a good path with unique designs (example AGO, Ritz, L, Picasso, aura, one bloor east, parade 1&2, and can't think of the name at the moment but down at the water with the bridges connecting four buildings... Beside redpath?)
The new design is definitely an upgrade over the former, but it's just unfortunate that both Union Centre and 160 Front share somewhat similar curves directly across the street from one another, at nearly identical heights. Perhaps merely coincidental, IMO each would have stood out more on their own, had they not next been placed next to each other - much in the way EY Tower stands amongst it's mostly boxy neighbours.
160 Front has an undulating facade. The two towers should look quite different from one another in real life regardless of their similar form.
This one most be built like that.
Is there a chance it will be redesigned ?
^ doubtful. It has already been approved and Allied seems to like working with Sweeny & co.
If something changed I'd imagine it would be minor.
The actual numbers for the building as approved in the Zoning Bylaw Amendment are a retail GFA of 7, 341 sq. m/78,977 sq. ft, and and office GFA of 92,859 sq. m/999,014 sq. ft.

I hope this tower will be next to be leased by a commercial tenant.
This tower with Bay Park Center added to the skyline will be an epic duet.
I trust one of the other big 4 banks to leased it.
This tower represent the architecture of the 21 th century for Toronto.
It will be a big difference form the boring boxy building without special cladding.
