Holy crap! Thanks so much for all your dedication and hard work capturing this moment.

Thanks, but the credit goes to the crews doing the work as well management who were still there to finish the work when I left. There was some shift crews taking turn working the site.

This is once in a life time thing as well the first of it kind in Canada that needed to be seen in person as well recorded. On the videos I shot, it hard to see the span move since it was only moving mm/sec. Then I plan my shooting on a 2.5hr window only to see it done in 1:15hr and screw up my shooting locations. Should left the camera at the south end and zoom out before Metrolinx setup.
Finally got the video and uploading now.

Quick view of the bridge at 4:14 and track 1 is removed with a passing train. Come Feb 2014, 131 years of hearing that sound will only be a memory. Nice Horn
If the two lines are now grade separated, why is there still a (noisily-clattering at that) track crossing there?

The project is far from finished, they simply placed one of the bridge spans. The tunnel corridor itself is far from being completed. In the meantime trains on the Weston sub will continue to run at the same grade as the North Toronto sub for the next year or so.
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Do they plan on reconnecting Old Weston to Dundas?

Unfortunately no. But Old Weston rd will be grade separated from GO's Weston using the same bridge span as the Mactier sub's western wye track.

Here is the site plan;

Old configuration;

New configuration;

images from GO Transit's Georgetown South Project page; http://www.gotransit.com/gts/en/project/wtd.aspx

So far they've only placed one of the four bridge spans - the east one where it says "New rail-to-rail grade separation".
Do they plan on reconnecting Old Weston to Dundas?

Are you talking about the close crossing for Old Weston Rd to follow the current route or replacing the original bridge that was remove decades ago??

There is no plans to build a new overpass bridge to replace the original bridge and if there was, its a city thing. Its not on the City books at this time or long range plan.

The Old Weston Rd crossing will reopen, but when is the unknown question. It could happen in October or Nov this year only to be shut down next year to move the 2nd section into position for the 2nd tunnel.

I would say it will open in late 2014, early 2015 to reduce the interference with the construction of the 2nd tunnel. Also, it will allow most of the bridge to be built in position than to be built to one side and move into position.

Regardless which way the bridge is built, CP Lambton lead will have to be removed for a few days to make the final connection/move.

Once that work is done, the road and sidewalk will have to be rebuilt and then it can be reopen to everyone.

As a follow up on vegeta_skyline comment: the noisily-clattering that can still be heard after this move will disappear in Feb/Mar 2014 when the current GO/VIA line get move to the new tunnel. There is a lot of work still to be done after this move starting with the 2nd bridge move around Sept 28-29 for the Old Weston Rd that is almost 2.3 longer and weighting close to 2,000 metric tons. Once that bridge is move, the missing sections of the retaining wall have to be built where the bridge was built at. All the retaining wall on the east side has to be back fill.

Once the current track is move to the new tunnel as well service, then the diamond will be remove after being in service for 131 years. So unless people are older than 131 years, they have no rights to bitch about the noises since they made the choice to live they in the first place. Even if you were born there, you have live with the noise. You either accept the noise or move since the railways aren't going away and only going to see more traffic over time.

Next step will see the removal of steel piles on the west side of the current retaining wall so the area can be excavate for the far west retaining wall of the 2nd tunnel. Only 1 wall has to be built since the current west wall of the first tunnel is the centre one for both tunnels.
No pictures, but I passed by the Strachan crossing today and saw they've recently installed the concrete girders for the final, permanent road bridge over the north half of the train trench. I assume the girders will mostly just sit there until the south half has been dug out as well, but they give you some idea how high the final road level will end up.

Excavation of the north half of the trench also appeared completed from end to end, although the walls still need finishing. I suspect we'll see the start of track work down there shortly.
No pictures, but I passed by the Strachan crossing today and saw they've recently installed the concrete girders for the final, permanent road bridge over the north half of the train trench. I assume the girders will mostly just sit there until the south half has been dug out as well, but they give you some idea how high the final road level will end up.

Excavation of the north half of the trench also appeared completed from end to end, although the walls still need finishing. I suspect we'll see the start of track work down there shortly.

The girders will be move into position over the south corridor once the current lines are move to the new underpass next month. Once the flyunder tunnels go into service in next month, it will mark the end of about 150 years for service for this crossing.

The girders will set on 3 retaining walls that are already built for it including the south end. Don't have to wait for the excavation to start on the 2nd flyunder to install the girders.

I believe the new Strachan overpass will be open in the summer of 2014. It only about 1.5m higher than the current road.

The locals are demanding traffic lights be install at both ends of the new bridge.
Weston Road, between Oak and St. Phillips, was closed to street traffic this past weekend. The result: the old railway bridge was demolished, leaving trains to use the new railway bridge. The old pillar in the middle of Weston Road supporting the old bridge is now gone as well.
Need to clear up on the Strachan tunnel as miss communication on my part. The 3 lines are to start being place in the new tunnel next month with a moving date in late Nov when service will be move to the new lines. Track 4 will be use as a service road until the 2nd tunnel is open.

When the tracks are moved, about 2m+ of earth where the new overpass is going in will be remove to allow the placement of the south girders. Metrolinx wants access to the temporary road ASP to remove earth for the 2nd tunnel by that road. They need the extra removal as the current pier support are at grade as well not hitting the new bridge as the existing road bed is remove.

The current plan calls for excavation to take place from both ends at the same time to speed the project up. They may use the bridge location as a ramp area and still down the road.

If anyone going to the open houses for the noise wall, the boards cover all the locations as to where they are going in and what type they are.

I am sure if I attended all 4 viewings, I will hear 4 different comments for them as I did tonight at Weston, which was all over the place considering most were members of the group. Don't have plans on doing that.

Some call for a mockup of a test wall; don't built these wall until 2017 to see if you really need them in the first place and save money; who going to clean the griffie up and what timeline for it to be done; When is the MOE between the city and Metrolinx be sign and it must state a timeline to clean things up as per city current bylaw; the speeding train on the wall will make people motion sick; sound is going to bounce blocks away with these 5m wall; and on and on.

All kinds of material is being use and all will be griffie removable including the retaining walls.

No idea when panels will be up on the site.

Work is to start in early 2014 to put up the 10k of walls for 20% of the corridor and be completed early 2015.
Yes that's it. Does anyone know if the counter and kiosks will protrude that far into the walkway, or do you reckon the construction barrier is giving that illusion?
