BlogTo screwed up on that comment and I'm amazed they haven't fixed it. TTC has been saying for a while that rollout should be complete sometime in 2017. Tory is also pushing to get it brought forward. They plan to install it on older streetcars, which BlogTO doesn't seem to understand.

Good to know. It would be nice if in 2016. Never understood the holdup.
I feel like my IQ drops whenever I read the comments on Blog TO. It's almost as bad as the Youtube comment threads. Bunch of juvenile simpletons.
Would this even be a time/cost effective method to get from Burlington to Pearson though?

The only other real transit way that I see is taking MiWay to Pearson. I've taken a taxi before, but that isn't really a transit solution, haha. Ideally though, I'd like to see a bus running from Long Branch to Honeydale (hopefully a B-D extension) to Pearson.
Setting fares in other than round dollars, and indicating that they can be obtained on board for a surcharge, seems a bit complicated to implies the on board 'representatives' may have to handle cash....or will it be all electronic?

- Paul
it's insulting to any taxpayer that Metrolinx would benchmark the UPX fares (Exhibit 7 of the UP Express Pricing Strategy Staff Report) with cities with very different populations and existing transit systems (London, Oslo, Stockholm, Lyon, Milan, Tokyo!) than Toronto's. what a joke this line is
Will you able to buy a Presto card at the Airport to get those nice fares???

I imagine this would drive the need and advancement for a temporary presto card visitors to the city would be able to use it on the UPX and other transit systems in the region.

However I think the family fare would not require the purchase of a presto card. How would that work, one card for a whole family.
Am I missing something? I seem to be the only one on this forum who thinks the announced fares are outrageously expensive. $27.50 is ridiculous. The $19 fare for Presto users is somewhat better but you need to have a Presto card (whatever that is). There are 2.8 million people in Toronto that are TTC users and the TTC doesn't offer Presto. So… a trip for 2 to Pearson from Union Station is $55 PLUS the cost of getting to Union Station (conservatively $6 for TTC much more by taxi) for a total of $61. REALLY?? I can get a Limo to pick me up at home, even give me a wake up call, and deliver me to Pearson for $55 and a lot less hassle. Why would I use the train? I used to travel to NYC fairly regularly for business. The train from Newark to Penn Station is only about $12.50 and it's further than Union is from Pearson. Are the people who priced this out of their minds???
Check the comments on the this Globe and Mail article. Looks like most people agree with me.
The way I see it the province does what they do best… protect monopolies. They didn't want to undercut the Limo and Taxi monopolies. Sort of like protecting the Beer monopoly, the LCBO, the dairy marketing board and the egg marketing board. While most people are struggling to compete with the global marketplace the Ontario government protects those that can lobby hard and make big donations to political parties. Once in a while a bone is thrown to the rest of us. But I digress. I THINK $27.50 IS OUTRAGEOUS. I WILL NEVER USE THIS TRAIN AT THAT PRICE.

What percentage of the 2.8 million TTC riders have a metropass? 25% 10%? You can't roll in a TTC fare if you already have a metropass as part of your regular daily commute.
However I think the family fare would not require the purchase of a presto card. How would that work, one card for a whole family.
The material released yesterday clearly showed the family fare as a non-Presto fare. Also the 6-hour return from people passing through Pearson, who use the train to get downtown for a few hours ($13.75 per leg) is a non-Presto fare.
We sure do like to play the poverty card when it comes to paying for services in Toronto. If we're not complaining about the inability to buy beer at-cost, or a cash-starved medical system, we are disgusted about paying for the convenience of getting to the airport to take a holiday/business trip that can easily cost thousands of dollars.

I agree that $19 is nothing to complain about. 25 minutes trip/every 15 minutes, I think it is pretty good. Much better than I thought ($25-28 one way). This is extra convenience service, and paying a premium for that is reasonable. Would be better if it is $15/16 but under $20 is not that unaffordable.

If one think it is outrageously expensive, he always has the option of taking the TTC for $2.7.
And for people traveling in groups of more than 2 who don't live downtown, it is always better to use the taxi compared to this.
