GTS time lapse video

Global News did a time lapse video of the UPX train going from Union to Pearson. Runs for 3 minutes. Shows all the progress on the Georgetown South Project. Provides a helpful perspective on what's left to finish:
April 22, 2015 - Metrolinx will be introducing a free wifi hotspot in the bathroom at Yorkdale bus terminal. "Our unprecedented public transit investments are making transit a better choice for commuters," said Steven Del Duca, as he stands in front of a toilet to perform his self-congratulatory BS. "This is further proof of our government’s commitment to ease congestion and make the quality of life better for Ontario families". Bruce McCuaig, President and CEO of Metrolinx, was also on hand for this exciting announcement. "Whether it's an easy-to-use mobile GO website, service alerts delivered right to your inbox, or free Internet access while you shit, we’re committed to giving our customers the innovative tools they need to stay in the know".

This project is part of the largest infrastructure investment in Ontario's history. This is just one way we’re transforming transit.

Bravo, you had me for a minute!
Global News did a time lapse video of the UPX train going from Union to Pearson. Runs for 3 minutes. Shows all the progress on the Georgetown South Project. Provides a helpful perspective on what's left to finish:

Cool. Nice to see all the grade separations & the elevated part.

The part at the beginning where it's at Union and crosses 3 other tracks, that won't cause delays would it?
April 22, 2015 - Metrolinx will be introducing a free wifi hotspot in the bathroom at Yorkdale bus terminal. "Our unprecedented public transit investments are making transit a better choice for commuters," said Steven Del Duca, as he stands in front of a toilet to perform his self-congratulatory BS. "This is further proof of our government’s commitment to ease congestion and make the quality of life better for Ontario families". Bruce McCuaig, President and CEO of Metrolinx, was also on hand for this exciting announcement. "Whether it's an easy-to-use mobile GO website, service alerts delivered right to your inbox, or free Internet access while you shit, we’re committed to giving our customers the innovative tools they need to stay in the know".
That one is a good chuckle of a parody... But shouldn't Steve be sitting down on it for that?

Hmm... punching some numbers in...
23.3 km run
25 minute actual run time
3.5 minute accelerated run time

The video shows an apparent average speed of 399.4 km/h!
Still not as fast as Japan's new Shinkansen maglev under construction, the one they're now building to open in 2027. It just broke a 600kph record in tests. We need to electricify UPX to beat that speed in a time lapse video :p

Looking forward to checking UPX out!
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Holy crap, that video is amazing. The train zipping along the guideway was definitely a sight to behold.

For those complaining about how there's no elevated transit in Toronto, there's a long elevated section right there on the newest transit line :)
Another video here:

Holy. You really get a good sense of just how much work was done in that corridor over the past few years from that video. It's great to finally see regional rail getting the love it deserves. I'm pretty excited to get to use UPX next time I fly into Toronto!
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