But, if it makes you feel better, continue to write and paraphrase your own version of what I said if it seems to make you happy. I am done with the discussion because I think what I said is clear (perhaps its lack of clarity to you explains confusion over the signs? ;) )
To be clear, I was responding to yyzhyd, but failed to quote him or her. I thought your explanation was pretty reasonable.
But why add the extra level of abstraction & indirection? Why make it something that they need to Google or remember rather than just saying "Train to Pearson Airport"?

because people do things like that when they don't know if that kind of service exits. Like for example if you were a tourist and were going to England and didn't want to rent a car wouldn't you look to see how to get from the airport to your hotel? Also if you go on goggle maps and put in a downtown location and put to use public transit it only suggestion using the UP express.
because people do things like that when they don't know if that kind of service exits. Like for example if you were a tourist and were going to England and didn't want to rent a car wouldn't you look to see how to get from the airport to your hotel? Also if you go on goggle maps and put in a downtown location and put to use public transit it only suggestion using the UP express.

Of course I would Google things before hand. But I'm saying there's no disadvantage in having the words "Train to Pearson Airport" on the sign so it's easy to understand, whether the person googled it or not. You can have both "UP Express" and "Train to Pearson Airport" on the sign.
You guys have selective reading... I agreed that the wayfinding is lacking and adding an airplane logo would definitely be helpful.

However the name UP Express is actually pretty good IMO.
Of course I would Google things before hand. But I'm saying there's no disadvantage in having the words "Train to Pearson Airport" on the sign so it's easy to understand, whether the person googled it or not. You can have both "UP Express" and "Train to Pearson Airport" on the sign.

True its like how the TTC announces on the streetcar that queens quay is the stop for the ferry docks. I know Person is bad for some silly reasons they have which I can't remember off hand but they should defiantly have better signage in Union station
There is zero, repeat ZERO chance in the 2015 that someone coming to Toronto for work or play from 90% of the world is doing so without doing any research about attractions and transit/mobility.

In fact most would use this crazy new-fangled website called Google to do that research in lieu of their Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Doing research is not the point. You just got off a flight from across the pond, you are several time zones off balance, it's late in the day, your English isn't strong - you want to be *absolutely* sure that you have exactly the right transportation. Your fear is that you will end up somewhere completely wrong and have to backtrack, possibly expensive and possibly physically dangerous (yes, Toronto is safe, but a traveller may not be sure of that). The signs are not there to help the research-savvy traveller who is on top of his game - they are there to help the cautious and the dead tired remove any little bit of doubt from their navigation.

Considering that I have asked shuttle drivers "Do you stop at X hotel?" and found myself at the opposite end of Manhattan from said hotel, even the human beings may not be trustable. The signage should be idiot-proof.

- Paul
Claims that virtually all travelers know their transportation options exactly prior to arriving at the destination airport are silly. It's generally a pretty reasonable approach to get to [City Name] airport, make an effort to find the trains to the city, and otherwise get a taxi/Uber/etc.

There's no doubt in my mind that ease of finding transit from the airport affects how many people choose to take taxis instead of it.
You guys have selective reading... I agreed that the wayfinding is lacking and adding an airplane logo would definitely be helpful.

However the name UP Express is actually pretty good IMO.

Someone should get some large stickers and add them.
So, when arriving on the UPE at Unions at 8 AM on a weekday, where's the best place to grab a taxi? Is there a stand on Station Street.
Unfortunate; seems like the perfect spot. Where in front of Union (haven't been along there in a few weeks)?

Though plan A is to catch a Lakeshore East GO. But with 2 small children, 8 bags, and the red-eye; a plan B would be nice. Maybe the York west teamway is a shorter walk!

Unfortunate; seems like the perfect spot. Where in front of Union (haven't been along there in a few weeks)?

Though plan A is to catch a Lakeshore East GO. But with 2 small children, 8 bags, and the red-eye; a plan B would be nice. Maybe the York west teamway is a shorter walk!

The west end toward York St that is closure to UP and the new concourse and across from the hotel for cabs.
Unfortunate; seems like the perfect spot. Where in front of Union (haven't been along there in a few weeks)?

Though plan A is to catch a Lakeshore East GO. But with 2 small children, 8 bags, and the red-eye; a plan B would be nice. Maybe the York west teamway is a shorter walk!

I think station Street is, technically, still a private road and may actually disappear depending on the redevelopment plans for building on north side that fronts onto Front.

In my travels, if I am looking for a cab in a hurry I always head straight to the front door of nearest hotel.......so IC/Delta/RY/Germain would be good bets.
There's a sign waiting to be reversed for use at the Freshco/Shoppers parking lot. It has the GO and UP logos but I wasn't aware there was a connection to the station here? Am I mistaken? I thought the only access was at Bloor St?

