The magic number is $12.50/adult with a free transfer to the TTC. Try that for one year and see what happens. At less than $10, it will be a zoo and packed all the time taking away from a premium service. $19 with Presto is still way too high. $12 to $15 maximum should be the sweet spot. They don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars doing research. They just need to read this forum for the answers.
The magic number is $12.50/adult with a free transfer to the TTC. Try that for one year and see what happens. At less than $10, it will be a zoo and packed all the time taking away from a premium service. $19 with Presto is still way too high. $12 to $15 maximum should be the sweet spot. They don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars doing research. They just need to read this forum for the answers.

It is not clear to me that reading these forums they would get any kind of consensus. What I see is range of varying opinions from "I would not ride it even if it was free" to "leave the airport to union fares the same but offer GO type fares between the 3 stations in the 416" to your "Magic number is $12.50".....and a lot gradient in between.
The magic number is $12.50/adult with a free transfer to the TTC. Try that for one year and see what happens. At less than $10, it will be a zoo and packed all the time taking away from a premium service.

If it becomes too busy, could Metrolinx simply increase the frequency of the trains to boost capacity?
If it becomes too busy, could Metrolinx simply increase the frequency of the trains to boost capacity?

Would depend how many DMUs they have available.

I would assume they would just run all the trains in a 3 car configuration, all the time. You only see the 3 car confirmation now during peak periods.
The magic number is $12.50/adult with a free transfer to the TTC. Try that for one year and see what happens. At less than $10, it will be a zoo and packed all the time taking away from a premium service. $19 with Presto is still way too high. $12 to $15 maximum should be the sweet spot. They don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars doing research. They just need to read this forum for the answers.

$10 would make me consider taking the UPX, but only if I were near Union Station or somewhere downtown close to a Line 1 station, and only if I were travelling alone.
People lined up because of the novelty of the UPX, not because it's a legitimate commuting option.
That's partially true, but people starting at Union and going west (near and around the Bloor-Danforth line) would probably opt for UPX over the Yonge/University line. That would shave off at least half the commute time (depending on how far west one goes).

Also the fact that it's more frequent and free means its taking ridership from the LSW line as well
The turnout proves that there is a curiosity about the service. Few people go to the airport as an outing. (Of course, it was a little cold to do Queen Street today.) I'm guessing that more than a few were also checking out the Car Show. Crappy signage or not, all those people now know the way to the platform. There's a chance they will find the service fits their needs. They will have something to tell their friends. It can't hurt.

Did anyone have any observation about the demographics of the folks in line?

- Paul
The turnout proves that there is a curiosity about the service. Few people go to the airport as an outing. (Of course, it was a little cold to do Queen Street today.) I'm guessing that more than a few were also checking out the Car Show. Crappy signage or not, all those people now know the way to the platform. There's a chance they will find the service fits their needs. They will have something to tell their friends. It can't hurt.

Did anyone have any observation about the demographics of the folks in line?

- Paul

A disproportionate amount of people with small children, which indicates the train was a joyride for them. Few people had luggage.
That's partially true, but people starting at Union and going west (near and around the Bloor-Danforth line) would probably opt for UPX over the Yonge/University line. That would shave off at least half the commute time (depending on how far west one goes).

Also the fact that it's more frequent and free means its taking ridership from the LSW line as well
Where would you be going that would normally be a LSW trip but because of the 15 minute service you would choose UP that stops at Bloor and Weston?
A disproportionate amount of people with small children, which indicates the train was a joyride for them. Few people had luggage.

I wouldn't have expected actual travellers to change their routine just because it was free this weekend. Not everyone going to the car show rushes out to buy afterwards. Kids means parents of working age, and parents taking kids downtown means people who don't mind thinking through logistics. If they came downtown today, maybe some do so for work also. If they came down by GO, maybe they even own Presto Cards.

There's a reasonable hope that a little of the tire-kicking will pay off. I'm sure whatever happens around the fare will influence things.

- Paul
If they include the UPX ride in the price of the airline ticket, most such passengers wouldn't even notice it. It's like the fuel surcharge that the airlines still charge, despite that the price of oil dropped like a stone. Having it as a separate fare would turn most people off.
I'm surprised they even include the use of the bathrooms in the cost of the airline ticket these days. In this charge for everything world, the airlines aren't about to start throwing in free ground transit.
If they include the UPX ride in the price of the airline ticket, most such passengers wouldn't even notice it. It's like the fuel surcharge that the airlines still charge, despite that the price of oil dropped like a stone. Having it as a separate fare would turn most people off.
I wouldn't want the price of a train ticket added to my air ticket (which would just make my flight much more expensive). I'm fine with arranging my own transportation when I travel, and having choice in the matter.
Did Metrolinx state what the wait time was for the UPE? Did people have to wait one train, two? Was this only at peak hour or was it over a good part of the day?
Living in Weston and getting to the CBD in 20 minutes regardless of the time of day would be great if the fare were $5. Uber couldn't compete with that.
