might as well just go for the Airport Rocket - unless there's some freak traffic problem (I never find the traffic that bad on the 427!).
Agreed, I'd probably use the TTC too since the maximum 15 minute time savings (and possible zero time savings) isn't worth $9 to me.
Ah, so it does.

It says 27 minutes to T1 - but says it's only a 3-minute walk from Dundas West Station to Bloor GO - which seems overly optimistic

Still, only saves about 15 minutes, if you catch a train quickly. But the train only comes every 15 minutes. Once you bother going down the Line 2 subway, I figure you might as well just go for the Airport Rocket - unless there's some freak traffic problem (I never find the traffic that bad on the 427!).
when I googled it it showed a 6 minute walk from Dundas W to UP.....but even though I am a fan of UP I am not sure I would double back to catch it either. That 15 minute saving could get totally eaten up by getting there just as one train leaves.
presuming the fare is dropped to $9 (presto) as speculated....does that end the airport worker subsidy......I would think so.


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Compared to the rancor for TTC fare hikes, the discussion for GO is pretty much out of sight, out of mind. One of the benefits for having a board that are superfically independent with no elective representatives - the hikes are fait accompli.


And yet we now know that this is board is totally sensitive to political backlash.
And yet we now know that this is board is totally sensitive to political backlash.

Yes and no - planning is a little different from fare structure/daily operations - certainly it isn't sensitive regarding fares in the way TTC is - and re: UPX, I think the issue of concern politically is more the optics of low ridership (i.e. accusation of white elephant) than high fares per se.

So Bloor to Weston on UPX is now $4.71 compared to $5.02 on GO?!? Now that's just weird.

And Bloor to Pearson for only $5.02 - but the GO fare is $6.84 to Pearson (if such a routing existed) and Malton GO.
So Bloor to Weston on UPX is now $4.71 compared to $5.02 on GO?!? Now that's just weird.

And Bloor to Pearson for only $5.02 - but the GO fare is $6.84 to Pearson (if such a routing existed) and Malton GO.

"Under $5.00" has as better ring to it.
Am I seeing things, or are return fares more than twice the one-way fare?

EDIT nevermind, they're twice the non-Presto fare. Wow, I thought I was losing it.
Yeah....I double checked that too....no need for a "return" fare on Presto as it is just independant taps that would, you know, count double...but I had the same initial reaction as you did.
Interesting thing to me was the tone of the minister's remarks. He stated that on March 9th they "will" be lowering fares. No mention of needing board approval. Prompted this tweet.


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Looking back through the past few pages it looks like we've covered most of the major topics. But one I'd add is the marketing impact of this fare change.

If I am reading this right it is like the way they continually push the message that a current one way fare is $27.50. I think, honestly, they have been fighting a bad rap from the media on this since day one.

Indeed, the media coverage has undoubtedly dissuaded potential ridership by pushing the sensationalist headlines of a service which is out-of-reach to ordinary citizens. So much so that people are under the impression that it would cost them nearly $30 per ride (while GTA readers would best get a Presto card and) , or that taking a family of four would cost over $100 (while there was a family fare which cost barely half that much).

This drastic change in fare structure gives Metrolinx the opportunity to completely step away from the bad press and misinformation. People may now choose to take a second look at the actual fare structure rather than discounting the service as the press had been instructing them to.

So Bloor to Weston on UPX is now $4.71 compared to $5.02 on GO?!? Now that's just weird.

And Bloor to Pearson for only $5.02 - but the GO fare is $6.84 to Pearson (if such a routing existed) and Malton GO.

Very odd indeed. It appears they're introducing a fare system that is nearly identical to GO's fare system but not actually a part of it. This would be very concerning, especially given the new proposed Union-Pearson Presto fare is only $1.30 more than the equivalent GO Transit fare - which would be a reasonable surcharge for airport station within an ordinary commuter or regional rail network. As an extreme example, disembarking from an ordinary New Jersey Transit commuter service at Newark Airport brings a $5.50 surcharge above the ordinary NJT fare (for a total of $13 from New York Penn).

If it does turn out that this hypothesis is correct and UP's fares are independent from GO's fares, I hope it is only a temporary measure until the Presto readers can be adjusted to merge UP into the GO fare system. I think that could be done by reassigning the Presto readers at Union, Bloor and Weston to be just ordinary GO readers, and to have the readers at Pearson be a part of a new artificial fare zone which is $1.30 "further away" than the actual Pearson/Malton fare zone.

It would be very disappointing if Metrolinx chose to operate two nearly-identical fare systems side-by-side. It would undermine their credibility in co-ordinating fares between other agency if they don't even integrate fares between their own operating divisions.

It will be interesting to see whether any cost cutting or brand changes are announced.

I'd certainly hope so. With the fare now dropped to ordinary commuter-rail levels, there's no longer a need to provide "luxury" services to justify the high ticket price. I think they could drop some of the customer service staff at terminals, whose overabundance exists to ensure a pampered customer experience. And merging UP and GO into a single organization would probably save a fair bit on behind-the-scenes staffing costs.

I also wouldn't mind a second shot at a half-decent paint scheme on the trains...
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One thing that I haven't read anywhere is whether there will be separate lines or "priority boarding" for Pearson-bound passengers at Union that have a plane ticket. If the commuter usage picks up, they could potentially be crowded out, or stuck waiting in line. Inbound it isn't a big deal, since the first stop is Pearson, but outbound could be an issue.
One thing that I haven't read anywhere is whether there will be separate lines or "priority boarding" for Pearson-bound passengers at Union that have a plane ticket. If the commuter usage picks up, they could potentially be crowded out, or stuck waiting in line. Inbound it isn't a big deal, since the first stop is Pearson, but outbound could be an issue.
I could be way wrong....but based on current GO usage to Bloor and Weston....I doubt it is an issue in the immediate future.
